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使用会话和延迟加载(working with session and lazy loading)



public class Item
    public virtual Guid ItemID { get; set; }    
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual decimal Price { get; set; }
    public virtual string Image { get; set; }
    public virtual Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet<Tax> Taxes { get; set; }

“Taxes”Collection在这里加载了延迟加载。 所以我需要保持会话开放(据我所知)。 加载“Item”对象时,我使用以下查询。

    public Item FindByID(Guid itemID)
        //using(var session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
        //using (var tr = session.BeginTransaction())
        //    return session.Get<Item>(itemID);

        var session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession();
        return session.Get<Item>(itemID);

在上面的FindByID()代码中,您可以看到我已经注释掉了一些从数据库中提取对象后关闭会话的代码。 这是因为,我需要打开会话,因为我有Taxes对象集合可以被访问懒惰。 打开代码部分显示在返回找到的对象后会话仍处于打开状态。


    public void RemoveItem(Item item)
        using(var session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
        using (var tr = session.BeginTransaction())
            catch (Exception Ex)
                throw Ex;




请有人指导我摆脱这个错误。 谢谢。

Using NHibernate and C#, I am having an issue with deleting an object that is loaded with attribute lazy loading.

The object is.

public class Item
    public virtual Guid ItemID { get; set; }    
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual decimal Price { get; set; }
    public virtual string Image { get; set; }
    public virtual Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet<Tax> Taxes { get; set; }

The "Taxes" Collection is here loaded with lazy loading. So I need to keep session open(As I learnt). When loading the "Item" object I use the following query.

    public Item FindByID(Guid itemID)
        //using(var session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
        //using (var tr = session.BeginTransaction())
        //    return session.Get<Item>(itemID);

        var session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession();
        return session.Get<Item>(itemID);

In the above code for FindByID() you can see I have commented out some code that is closing the session once the object is fetched from the DB. It was because, I need the session to be open as I have Taxes object collection sould be accessed lazy. The open code section show the session is still open after returning the found object.

No when I execute delete using following code with the above loaded object.

    public void RemoveItem(Item item)
        using(var session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
        using (var tr = session.BeginTransaction())
            catch (Exception Ex)
                throw Ex;

I am getting the following error..

Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions

The error is clear, The fetched object has opened session, when I open another session for deleting the same object, this error is produced.

Please someone guide me to get rid of this error. Thanks.

更新时间:2022-07-13 15:07


让父母帮助处理可能需要升级树的任何操作,这些操作包括迭代和删除(包括pop min / max)。

找到下一个祖先(可能是祖父母或更远的祖先)看起来是一个带有或没有父指针的O(log n)操作但是它们不相同,因为大多数节点都在树的底部有一个parent表示在典型情况下只需要一步(并且该步骤已知),而在没有父项的情况下,您必须在大多数情况下降低大部分树。 基本上有一个父指针反转祖先搜索问题。

从实现方面(而不是算法)我也发现插入对于父类更容易 - 我更喜欢为插入和删除实现重新平衡作为迭代循环而不是递归尾调用。

Having a parent helps with any operation that may need to step up the tree, these include both iteration and removal (including pop min/max).

Finding the next ancestor (which may be a grandparent or further) would appear to be an O(log n) operation with or without a parent pointer but they are not the same, given that most nodes are at the bottom of the tree having a parent means that only one step up is required in a typical case (and that step is already known) whereas without a parent you have to step down most of the tree in most cases. Basically having a parent pointer inverts the ancestor search problem.

From an implementation side (rather than algorithm) I also find that insert is easier with a parent - I prefer implementing the rebalance for both insert and remove as an iterative loop rather than recursive tail call.


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