首页 \ 问答 \ htmlentities和htmlspecialchars拒绝处理字符串(htmlentities and htmlspecialchars refuse to process string)

htmlentities和htmlspecialchars拒绝处理字符串(htmlentities and htmlspecialchars refuse to process string)

自从我在Debian盒子上最后一次更新到PHP5 5.4.0-3以来,我注意到有些页面有空字段,其中MySQL数据库的文本应该是。


$scselect = mysql_query("SELECT `name` FROM `forum_threads` WHERE `forum` = '1' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC") or exit((mysql_error()));
    while ($scrow=mysql_fetch_array($scselect))


string(18) "php hu3: the Forum"
string(0) ""
string(18) "php hu2 score-rule"
string(0) ""
string(6) "php hu"
string(0) ""
string(15) "HU 8: Binarycnt"
string(0) ""

但如果我使用硬编码内容的htmlentities - > htmlentities(“test”); 它就像魅力一样。 如果我这样做:



string(0) ""

但它变得陌生。 如果我将htmlentities或htmlspecialchars与数据库中的任何其他变量一起使用,它就可以完美地运行。

var_dump(htmlspecialchars($scrow['ID'])); // prints for example string(2) "87"


Since the last update to PHP5 5.4.0-3 on my Debian box I noticed that some pages have empty fields where text from the MySQL database should be.

I played around a bit and found the problem.

$scselect = mysql_query("SELECT `name` FROM `forum_threads` WHERE `forum` = '1' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC") or exit((mysql_error()));
    while ($scrow=mysql_fetch_array($scselect))

strangely this is whats printed:

string(18) "php hu3: the Forum"
string(0) ""
string(18) "php hu2 score-rule"
string(0) ""
string(6) "php hu"
string(0) ""
string(15) "HU 8: Binarycnt"
string(0) ""

but if I use htmlentities with hardcoded content -> htmlentities("test"); it works like charm. Also if I do this:


it also says

string(0) ""

But it gets stranger. If I use htmlentities or htmlspecialchars with any other variable from the database it works just perfectly.

var_dump(htmlspecialchars($scrow['ID'])); // prints for example string(2) "87"

what can be the cause of this?

更新时间:2022-03-30 11:03


我认为Criteria部分并不完全正确。 也没有定义日。 你已经定义了DT。

string customer_id = "54sdfjghwegFDqwgf";   
DateTime day = DateTime.Parse("2011-10-31");   
var criteria = TheSession.CreateCriteria(typeof(user_data))  
  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("user_id", customer_id))  
  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("Day", day))   

Thanks to everyone who tried to help me out!

Unfortunately, I had to use raw sql query: using CreateSQLQuery and then adding Scalars for each field.


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