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html标记中的Javascript事件(Javascript events in html tag)


(such as onclick, onsubmit,etc) in HTML tags? (eg <div onclick="dostuff()">Click Me</div>)

When including JavaScript in a web page, why is it generally considered poor form to use the various inline event attributes

(such as onclick, onsubmit,etc) in HTML tags? (e.g. <div onclick="dostuff()">Click Me</div>)

更新时间:2022-05-23 06:05


Count是PHP的内部函数,在您的场景中不会被模拟。 你模拟了对count的getMapper()调用( getMapper->Count() )。 对于您的测试,只需模拟$this->getMapper("fulltext")->find()并返回任何内容,因此PHP count()将等于0。

Turns out that I have been over-relying on autoload behaviour in the Zend implementation of PHPUnit, and fell foul of a change in PHPUnit's mock objects.

In this specific case, the class being mocked wasn't being autoloaded due to limits in Zend/PHPUnit and autoloading (the test is not bootstrapping the whole application - nor should it, since this supposed to be a unit test) - this used to cause a "class not found" error in PHPUnit 3.4, but the new PHPUnit 4.x implementation will fabricate a stub class. The stub class did not implement any interfaces, so the PHP count() built-in did not know the object was Countable.

I've now required the specific source file for the class being mocked, and the mock (and PHP count() built-in) is behaving exactly as I'd expect.


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