首页 \ 问答 \ 为什么hibernate为了加载@OneToOne双向关联而执行两个查询?(Why hibernate perform two queries for eager load a @OneToOne bidirectional association?)

为什么hibernate为了加载@OneToOne双向关联而执行两个查询?(Why hibernate perform two queries for eager load a @OneToOne bidirectional association?)



select a.id, a.id_b, a.field1, b.id, b.field1 from A as a, B as b left outer join b ON b.id=a.id_b;
select a.id, a.id_b, a.field1, b.id, b.field1 from A as a, B as b left outer join b ON b.id=a.id_b WHERE b.id=?

首先查询加载A和B字段,这是可以的,但为什么执行第二个查询来重新加载A? 我认为这个查询加载了B中的A内容,但是这个A很明显是包含B的A ...因此它已经加载了第一个查询,是不是真的?

- 编辑 -


public class A implements Serializable{
    // id and other ecc ecc
    B b;


public class B implements Serializable{
    // id and other ecc ecc
    A a;

情况就是这样,findAll on A需要两个查询......为什么?

i have entity A that has-a B entity, and B has-a A with @OneToOne bidirectional association.

Now, when i findall A records, hibernate perform two queries with a left outer join on B, something like this:

select a.id, a.id_b, a.field1, b.id, b.field1 from A as a, B as b left outer join b ON b.id=a.id_b;
select a.id, a.id_b, a.field1, b.id, b.field1 from A as a, B as b left outer join b ON b.id=a.id_b WHERE b.id=?

First query load A and B fields and it is ok, but why perform second query to reload A? I think this query load the A content in B, but this A is obviusly the A that contains B... so its already loaded with first query, isn't true?

-- EDIT --

Entity A:

public class A implements Serializable{
    // id and other ecc ecc
    B b;

Entity B:

public class B implements Serializable{
    // id and other ecc ecc
    A a;

This is the situation, and a findAll on A need two queries... why?

更新时间:2023-07-14 17:07








SET blobField = 
   (SELECT BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:\Test\Test1.pdf', SINGLE_BLOB) a) 
WHERE (CriteriaField = @criteria)

对于部分更新,可以使用此MSDN文章中所述的SET .WRITE增变器,这里是语法:

UPDATE MyTable SET BlobField .WRITE (expression, @offset, @length) WHERE (CriteriaField = @criteria)

请注意,WRITE mutator只能用于NON-NULL字段。


DECLARE @tmp VARBINARY(MAX) --Change to the correct datatype here
SELECT @tmp = BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:\Test\Test1.pdf', SINGLE_BLOB) a
UPDATE MyTable SET BlobField .WRITE (@tmp, 0, NULL) WHERE (CriteriaField = @criteria)

There are two ways to SELECT a BLOB with TSQL:


As well as:


Note the correlation name after the FROM clause, which is mandatory.

The second version can be used for a UPDATE as in the following example:

SET blobField = 
   (SELECT BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:\Test\Test1.pdf', SINGLE_BLOB) a) 
WHERE (CriteriaField = @criteria)

For partial updates one can use the SET .WRITE mutator as described in this MSDN article, here is the syntax:

UPDATE MyTable SET BlobField .WRITE (expression, @offset, @length) WHERE (CriteriaField = @criteria)

Note that the WRITE mutator can only be used on NON-NULL fields.

In fact this can also be used to do a full update (if the column does not contain NULL), by setting @offset to 0 and @length to NULL (or to the actual length), as in the following example:

DECLARE @tmp VARBINARY(MAX) --Change to the correct datatype here
SELECT @tmp = BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:\Test\Test1.pdf', SINGLE_BLOB) a
UPDATE MyTable SET BlobField .WRITE (@tmp, 0, NULL) WHERE (CriteriaField = @criteria)


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