首页 \ 问答 \ 我如何用PHP解析XML文件(How I can parse XML file with php)

我如何用PHP解析XML文件(How I can parse XML file with php)

我有一个这种格式的XML文件,我想读取产品ID和图像等数据,并希望在页面中显示它。 你看到以下链接http://mrprofessional.se/XML/INT.xml,你会看到我要解析的XML文件。 请帮我这个案子

<ICECAT-interface xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://data.icecat.biz/xsd/files.index.xsd">
<files.index Generated="20131228001603">
<file path="export/freexml.int/INT/2229.xml" Product_ID="2229" Updated="20131227074205" Quality="ICECAT" Supplier_id="1" Prod_ID="C4844AE" Catid="377" On_Market="1" Model_Name="10" Product_View="223" HighPic="http://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/15743_2229-8075.jpg" HighPicSize="58616" HighPicWidth="400" HighPicHeight="400" Date_Added="20051023000000">
<EAN_UPC Value="0886985196538"/>
<EAN_UPC Value="0725184755811"/>
<EAN_UPC Value="5051964028635"/>
<EAN_UPC Value="0088698519653"/>
<Country_Market Value="NL"/>
<Country_Market Value="BE"/>
<Country_Market Value="GB"/>
<Country_Market Value="DE"/>
<Country_Market Value="DK"/>
<Country_Market Value="ES"/>


    $xml = simplexml_load_file("INT.xml");

    $doc = new DOMDocument();

    $ie = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "ICECAT-interface" );
    $iedata = $file->item(0)->nodeValue;
    echo $iedata;

    $file = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "file" );
    foreach( $file as $filedata )

        $p_id = $filedata->getAttribute('Product_ID');
        $highpic = $location->getAttribute('HighPic');

        echo $$p_id.'-'.$highpic.'<br>';



I have a XML file in this format and i want to read the data such as product ID and image and want to display it in a page. of you see the following link http://mrprofessional.se/XML/INT.xml you will see the XML file which i want to parse. please help me this case

<ICECAT-interface xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://data.icecat.biz/xsd/files.index.xsd">
<files.index Generated="20131228001603">
<file path="export/freexml.int/INT/2229.xml" Product_ID="2229" Updated="20131227074205" Quality="ICECAT" Supplier_id="1" Prod_ID="C4844AE" Catid="377" On_Market="1" Model_Name="10" Product_View="223" HighPic="http://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/15743_2229-8075.jpg" HighPicSize="58616" HighPicWidth="400" HighPicHeight="400" Date_Added="20051023000000">
<EAN_UPC Value="0886985196538"/>
<EAN_UPC Value="0725184755811"/>
<EAN_UPC Value="5051964028635"/>
<EAN_UPC Value="0088698519653"/>
<Country_Market Value="NL"/>
<Country_Market Value="BE"/>
<Country_Market Value="GB"/>
<Country_Market Value="DE"/>
<Country_Market Value="DK"/>
<Country_Market Value="ES"/>

I want to read the product id and image for which i tried that code

    $xml = simplexml_load_file("INT.xml");

    $doc = new DOMDocument();

    $ie = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "ICECAT-interface" );
    $iedata = $file->item(0)->nodeValue;
    echo $iedata;

    $file = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "file" );
    foreach( $file as $filedata )

        $p_id = $filedata->getAttribute('Product_ID');
        $highpic = $location->getAttribute('HighPic');

        echo $$p_id.'-'.$highpic.'<br>';


but it s not working please help me on this case

更新时间:2023-09-25 17:09


我所做的是创建空子GameObjects [每个对撞机的一个游戏对象]并为它们分配碰撞器,然后我会为那些孩子分配标签[在你的情况下,他们可以是'AlwaysActive'和'SwitchingActive'或者你能做的任何更好的名字拿出]。

然后在父母中我将使用GetComponentsinChildren<Collider>来查找所有碰撞器,并检查GameObject(相应碰撞器)的标签是否符合我的要求。 如果是这样,我将完成我所需的任务,否则跳过它。

注意:子OnTriggerEnter OnCollisionEnter在父脚本中调用OnTriggerEnterOnCollisionEnter 。 我使用委托策略来从子游戏对象到我的父游戏对象的冲突。

What I do is create empty child GameObjects [One GameObject for every collider] and assign colliders to them, and then I would assign tags to those children [in your case they can be 'AlwaysActive' and 'SwitchingActive' or whatever better name you can come up with].

Then in the parent I will use GetComponentsinChildren<Collider> to find all the colliders, and check if the tag of the GameObject (of a respective collider) matches my requirement or not. If it does I will do my required task otherwise skip it.

NOTE: Colliders on child GameObjects do not call OnTriggerEnter or OnCollisionEnter in parent script. I use delegate strategy to get collisions from child game objects into my parent game object.


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