首页 \ 问答 \ Hbase日期范围(Hbase Date Range)

Hbase日期范围(Hbase Date Range)

我是hbase的新手。我在Hbase中有一个名为date的列。我需要创建一个查询,它将在日期范围之间返回数据。 例如 - 20140501,20140502,20140506。 这些是日期和查询应该在20140501到20140506之间的日期之间给出结果。该查询应该在hbase shell中运行。 我尝试过以下查询,该查询将给出该特定日期的结果。 但我需要在两个日期之间检查范围。 查询:

scan 'samlpe_test', {COLUMNS => ['Info'],FILTER => "(SingleColumnValueFilter('Info','date',=,'binary:20140102',true,false)) AND (SingleColumnValueFilter('Info','gender',=,'binary:female',true,false))"}

I am new to hbase.I have a column named date in Hbase.I need to create a query which will return me data between the Range of date. E.g- 20140501,20140502,20140506. These are the dates and query should give the result between the dates like 20140501 to 20140506. That query should run in hbase shell. I have tried following query which will give the result of that particular date. but I need range to be checked between two dates. Query:

scan 'samlpe_test', {COLUMNS => ['Info'],FILTER => "(SingleColumnValueFilter('Info','date',=,'binary:20140102',true,false)) AND (SingleColumnValueFilter('Info','gender',=,'binary:female',true,false))"}

更新时间:2024-05-15 19:05




<a class="fancybox" href="http://picsofcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/11wwartsuewilkinslooktothecoast.jpg"
<!-- Note that FancyBox ignores this width styling -->
<img src="http://picsofcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/11wwartsuewilkinslooktothecoast-150x150.jpg" alt="" /><br>
<b>Click to trigger Fancybox</b></div>


$(document).ready(function () {
       padding: 0,
       type        : 'image',
       openEffect  : 'none',
       closeEffect : 'none'



  1. 使用最新版本的jQuery和最新版本的fancybox。 有时版本存在问题。
  2. 确保实际加载了fancybox.js
  3. 以完整的http://..格式指定图像链接

我想如果你遵循所有这些要点,它就会奏效。 否则,请检查是否有任何其他插件导致fancybox出现问题。

An imitation of the supplied code seems to work:


<a class="fancybox" href="http://picsofcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/11wwartsuewilkinslooktothecoast.jpg"
<!-- Note that FancyBox ignores this width styling -->
<img src="http://picsofcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/11wwartsuewilkinslooktothecoast-150x150.jpg" alt="" /><br>
<b>Click to trigger Fancybox</b></div>


$(document).ready(function () {
       padding: 0,
       type        : 'image',
       openEffect  : 'none',
       closeEffect : 'none'

See this demo.

So things you should try to get it working:

  1. Use the latest version of jQuery and the latest version of fancybox. Sometimes there are problems with the versions.
  2. Make sure that fancybox.js is actually loaded
  3. Specify your image links in the full http://.. format

I think if you follow all these points, it'll work. Otherwise, check if any of the other plugins cause problems with fancybox.


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  • 试试这个代码 try this code