首页 \ 问答 \ 保持任务咕噜声任务打开(Keep a task grunt task open)

保持任务咕噜声任务打开(Keep a task grunt task open)


我找到了一种方法,通过在它之后运行“监视”任务来保持任务“打开”(即,不会立即退出命令行)。 例如

grunt.registerTask('default', ["mytask", "watch"]);


// Not needed...
watch: {
  files: "test/*"



I have a grunt task that kicks off a socket-io server among other things.

I have found a way of keeping the task 'open' (ie, not exiting straight away on the command line) by running the 'watch' task right after it. e.g

grunt.registerTask('default', ["mytask", "watch"]);

But this requires me to fill in some dummy data in the Gruntfile such as.

// Not needed...
watch: {
  files: "test/*"

So is there a way to keep my task running without having to use the watch task along with it?


更新时间:2023-11-15 11:11




<script src="Game.js"></script>
<script src="StateTitleScreen.js"></script>
<script src="StateGameRunning.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>



--out combined.js

然后,您可以在页面上引用组合文件,而不是许多单独的文件 - 但您仍然可以在设计时通过分割成多个文件来管理应用程序。

When you split your code into many files, you need to ensure they are all loaded at runtime.

For example:

<script src="Game.js"></script>
<script src="StateTitleScreen.js"></script>
<script src="StateGameRunning.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>

Note that your app.js is last (because it depends on the others and the order matters).

You can also ask TypeScript to supply you with a single file using:

--out combined.js

You can then reference the combined file on your page, rather than many individual files - but you still get to manage your application by splitting into many files at design time.


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