首页 \ 问答 \ 如何管理多次使用的Nuget包(How to manage Nuget Packages used more than once)

如何管理多次使用的Nuget包(How to manage Nuget Packages used more than once)

我是一个恐龙开发者,所以NuGet对我来说比较新,我习惯于管理第三方开源库,只有一个项目包含代码或二进制文件,我会在必要时不断更新,这个项目发布了dll(s )在一个公共文件夹上,我在所有项目中引用库。 这样可以很容易地维护第三方库,在我的项目中,我只需要在更新库时重建,一切顺利。 现在很多开源项目都在NuGet上发布它们的库,很容易在项目中引用它们,但我担心我必须为我使用它的每个项目下载一个库的副本,在我看来是可以导致混乱的东西。 特别是如果我有两个构建dll的项目最终使用相同软件包的2个不同版本,并且在具有问题和冲突的应用程序中使用。 所以我对那些长时间使用NuGet的人的问题是:我可以像其他库一样继续使用NuGet包并创建一个引用它们的项目,使用它在单个文件夹中发布dll然后引用包的dll从我的dll和已发布文件夹上的应用程序。

我希望我已经清楚了。 感谢您对Sabrina这个话题的任何想法

I am a dinosaur developer, so NuGet is relatively new to me, I am used to manage third parties open source libraries having a single project with the code or the binaries, that I will keep updated when necessary and this project publishes the dll(s) on a common folder from where I reference the libraries in all my projects. This makes easy to maintain the third party libraries and in my projects I just need to rebuild when I update the library and all goes OK. Now many open source projects publish their libraries on NuGet and it is easy to reference them in the projects, but I dread the fact that I have to download a copy of the library for each project in which I use it, this, in my opinion is something that can lead to chaos. Especially if I have 2 projects that build dlls that end up using 2 different versions of the same packages and are used both in an application with problems and conflicts. So my question to those who use NuGet from a longer time is: Can I proceed with NuGet packages as with other libraries and create a project that references them, use it to publish the dlls in a single folder and then reference the dlls of the packages from my dlls and applications on the published folder.

I hope I've been clear. Thanks for any thoughts you can share on this topic Sabrina

更新时间:2023-09-07 17:09



var myData [][]interface{} = make([][]interface{}, len(resp[0].Series[0].Values))
            for i, d := range resp[0].Series[0].Values {
                myData[i] = d

fmt.Println("", myData[0]) //first element in slice
fmt.Println("", myData[0][0])
fmt.Println("", myData[0][1])



Ok, I got it:

var myData [][]interface{} = make([][]interface{}, len(resp[0].Series[0].Values))
            for i, d := range resp[0].Series[0].Values {
                myData[i] = d

fmt.Println("", myData[0]) //first element in slice
fmt.Println("", myData[0][0])
fmt.Println("", myData[0][1])




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