首页 \ 问答 \ Google URL Shortener统计日期字段的时区是多少?(What is the timezone for Google URL Shortener stats date fields?)

Google URL Shortener统计日期字段的时区是多少?(What is the timezone for Google URL Shortener stats date fields?)

具体来说: https//developers.google.com/url-shortener/v1/url urlshortener.get返回统计信息的两小时,一天,一周等字段。 什么时候重置或从哪个时区计算?

Specifically: https://developers.google.com/url-shortener/v1/url the urlshortener.get returns fields like twoHours, day, week for stats. When does day get reset or which timezone is it calculated from?

更新时间:2024-03-30 16:03


你不能在路径中使用三个点...它要么是..要么是一级或者. 对于当前的水平。 如果你想要2个文件夹/级别,请使用../../yourfile

You can't use three dots ... in paths, it's either .. for one level up or . for the current level. If you want to go 2 folders/levels up, use ../../yourfile.

