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Google地球KML中的文字叠加(Text Overlay in Google Earth KML)




I would like to add a date/time that the KML file was last updated to be displayed as an overaly in Google Earth, is there anyway this could be done?

I would be looking at updating text in a KML file and then this being displayed in google earth.

Many Thanks.

更新时间:2022-12-25 08:12


最简单的方法是使用HTML5 pattern属性

:invalid { border-color: red }
<label for=uname>Username:</label>
<input id=uname name=uname type=text pattern="XYZ.*">
<p><input type=submit value=Submit>


代码接受任何以XYZ(区分大小写)开头的字符串,包括字符串XYZ。 根据需要修改。

由于不普遍支持pattern属性,因此您可能希望添加执行类似检查的JavaScript代码。 在其中,使用正则表达式(如pattern属性)是最简单的方法。

The simplest way is to use the HTML5 pattern attribute:

:invalid { border-color: red }
<label for=uname>Username:</label>
<input id=uname name=uname type=text pattern="XYZ.*">
<p><input type=submit value=Submit>

The example uses CSS to indicate an invalid field with red border, for illustration.

The code accepts literally any string that starts with XYZ (case-sensitively), including the string XYZ. Modify as needed.

Since the pattern attribute is not universally supported, you probably want to add JavaScript code that performs a similar check. In it, using a regular expression, as in a pattern attribute, is the simplest approach.


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