首页 \ 问答 \ 如何使用Google App Engine自动化Google文档?(How can I automate google docs with Google App Engine?)

如何使用Google App Engine自动化Google文档?(How can I automate google docs with Google App Engine?)



我计划使用GAE,谷歌文档和谷歌驱动器来创建和存储完成的文档。 我的计划是使用GAE网络表单和Google数据存储区输入和检索案例信息(客户名称,案例编号等)。 然后我将允许用户通过将表单数据插入模板来创建动作或其他文档。


我找到了有关如何创建可以打印的网页的信息。 但是,我正在寻找有关如何创建实际谷歌文档并将表单数据插入该文档或模板的信息。



I am designing a google app engine (python) app to automate law office documents.

I plan on using GAE, google docs, and google drive to create and store the finished documents. My plan is to have case information (client name, case number, etc.) entered and retrieved using GAE web forms and the google datastore. Then I will allow the user to create a motion or other document by inserting the form data into template.

The completed document can be further customized by the user, email, printed, and/or stored in a google drive folder.

I found information on how to create a web page that can be printed. However, I am looking for information for how to create an actual google doc and insert the form data into that document or template.

Can someone point me to a GAE tutorial of any type that steps me through how to do this?

更新时间:2023-03-25 09:03



{% for categ in categs %}

    {{ categ.name }} ({{ categ.advert_set.count }})

{% endfor %}

如果您在models.py文件中的Category ModelClass中更改了广告的属性advert_set ,则必须将advert_set调整为相应的advert_set


Assuming the objects attached to your categories are called Adverts:

{% for categ in categs %}

    {{ categ.name }} ({{ categ.advert_set.count }})

{% endfor %}

If you changed the attribute related_name of your Adverts in the Category ModelClass in your models.py file you'll have to adjust advert_set to the corresponding related_name.

For more information about how to access related objects take a look at the docs.


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