首页 \ 问答 \ 国际象棋合法移动生成java库[已关闭](java library for legal move generation in chess [closed])

国际象棋合法移动生成java库[已关闭](java library for legal move generation in chess [closed])


我可以写我自己的,但这将是一个天真的执行,它会很慢。 所以我需要一个工作库,允许或多或少的以下操作:

Board board = new Board();
board.isMoveLegal(playerNum, fromSquare, toSquare);
board.inputMove(playerNum, fromSquare, toSquare);

我想避免的是必须通过GUI,互联网连接或其他功能浏览完整的国际象棋游戏代码源,而不是移动代。 这对我来说是一个很大的浪费,我宁愿花几个小时来编程我自己的移动验证器,不管它有多慢。 我也不需要任何指导我写自己的图书馆,因为我在互联网上发现了很多。

我在这里问这是因为我在谷歌上运行了几次搜索,没有找到我要找的东西。 所以,如果你知道的话,你可以指出我的链接到这样的工作代码。 谢谢。

I am looking for a an API to generate legal moves validation in chess, preferably in the Java language.

I could write my own but it would be a naive implementation, and it would be slow. So I need a working library allowing more or less the following operations:

Board board = new Board();
board.isMoveLegal(playerNum, fromSquare, toSquare);
board.inputMove(playerNum, fromSquare, toSquare);

What I want to avoid is having to browse a full chess game's code source with GUI, internet connectivity, or other functions than move generation. It would be a big waste of time for me and I'd rather spend a few hours to program my own move validator, no matter how slow. I also don't need any guidelines for writing my own library, as I have found plenty of which on the internet.

I'm asking this here because I have run several searches on google and didn't find what I was looking for. So it would be nice of you to point me out a link to such a working code if you knew any. Thanks.

更新时间:2021-07-16 06:07


苹果重新压缩的文件更大是不足为奇的。 它们针对快速加载而不是小尺寸进行了优化。 如果你不关心大小超过速度,可以肯定地关掉压缩。 即使你关心速度,你也可以比苹果做得更好。


所以是的,关闭PNG压缩。 我会做的第一件事是建立IPA。 一个ipa实际上是一个压缩文件,因此构建ipa,将其复制到您的mac上的文件夹,用.zip扩展名重命名该文件并双击它。 这将扩大它。 在Payload文件夹中找到应用程序,并右键单击它并选择显示包内容。 你会看到所有的资产。 按大小排序。 我猜你有过大的图像。 在这个尺寸下,我的猜测是,额外的大小可能几乎完全由PNG文件引起。

考虑使用一些非视网膜图像。 老实说,大多数人不会注意到。 iOS将优雅地使用视网膜上的非视网膜。 这可以节省大量的空间,

如果您不需要透明度,请考虑对某些文件使用jpeg文件而不是PNG。 Jpeg文件的效率较低,但可以小得多。 比较两者。 取决于图像连续色调的程度。

默认情况下,PNG文件是32位。 24位色和8位alpha /透明度。 您可以通过转到24位来节省一些大小。 你也可以保存大量的16位或更低的颜色。 在8位PNG文件中使用颜色查找表。 使用Photoshop播放,并在位图深度为8和以下的PNG中保存我们的选项。




编辑我做了一些研究。 我一直都知道Fireworks做了更好的PNG压缩。 我没有意识到有一个8位Alpha通道的8位PNG。 Photoshop支持8位和1位Alpha通道。 如果透明度需要超过1位,我一直告诉人们使用32位PNG。 将来我会让他们知道8位alpha 8位可能是更好的路线,他们只能使用Photoshop进行文件的最终保存。 他们只需要保存一个32位并在别处压缩。



It is actually not surprising that the Apple recompressed files are bigger. They are optimized for fast load not small size. If you do not care about size over speed, defiantly do turn off the compression. Even if you do care about speed you can do better than Apple.


So yes, turn off the PNG compression. The first thing I would do is build the ipa. An ipa is actually a zip file so build the ipa, copy it to a folder on your mac, rename the file with a .zip extension and double click on it. This will expanded it. Find the app in the Payload folder and right mouse click on it and choose show package contents. You will see all the assets. Sort by size. I am guessing you have overly large images. At that size my guess is that the extra size is likely to be caused almost entirely by the PNG files.

Consider using non retina images for some. Honestly most people wont notice. iOS will gracefully use the non retina on retina. This can save a ton of space,

Also consider using jpeg files instead of PNG for some of the files if you do not need transparency. Jpeg files are less efficient but can be much smaller. Compare both. Depends on the extent to which the images are continuous tone.

By default PNG file are 32 bit. 24 bit color and 8 buit alpha/transparency. You can save a bit of size by going to 24 bit. You can also save a lot of size going to 16 bit color or below. At 8 bit PNG files use a color lookup table. Play with Photoshop and the save for we options at PNG with bit depth 8 and below.

I have all sorts of expensive compressing software but often use the $8


Try the 8 bit PNG option and the JPEG options.

EDIT I did some research. I had always know Fireworks did better PNG compression. I did not realize that there was an 8bit PNG with an 8 Bit alpha channel. Photoshop supports 8 bit with a 1 bit Alpha Channel. I have always told people to use 32 bit PNG if their transparency needed more than 1 bit. In the future I will let them know the 8 bit with 8 bit alpha may be the better route, They just can use Photoshop for the final save of the file. They just need to save a 32 bit and compress elsewhere.




  • 苹果重新压缩的文件更大是不足为奇的。 它们针对快速加载而不是小尺寸进行了优化。 如果你不关心大小超过速度,可以肯定地关掉压缩。 即使你关心速度,你也可以比苹果做得更好。 https://imageoptim.com/xcode.html 所以是的,关闭PNG压缩。 我会做的第一件事是建立IPA。 一个ipa实际上是一个压缩文件,因此构建ipa,将其复制到您的mac上的文件夹,用.zip扩展名重命名该文件并双击它。 这将扩大它。 在Payload文件夹中找到应用程序,并右键单击它并选择显示包内容。 你会看到所 ...
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