首页 \ 问答 \ git:切换分支,忽略任何更改而不提交(git: Switch branch and ignore any changes without committing)

git:切换分支,忽略任何更改而不提交(git: Switch branch and ignore any changes without committing)

我正在一个git分支工作,准备提交我的更改,所以我做了一个有用的提交消息的提交。 然后我不理会地对不值得保留的代码进行了微小的更改。 我现在想改变分支,但是git给了我,

错误:您对“X”有本地更改; 不能切换分支。

我以为我可以改变分支而不提交。 如果是这样,我该怎么设置呢? 如果没有,我如何摆脱这个问题? 我想忽略轻微的变化,而不必提交,只是改变分支。

I was working on a git branch and was ready to commit my changes, so I made a commit with a useful commit message. I then absentmindedly made minor changes to the code that are not worth keeping. I now want to change branches, but git gives me,

error: You have local changes to "X"; cannot switch branches.

I thought that I could change branches without committing. If so, how can I set this up? If not, how do I get out of this problem? I want to ignore the minor changes without committing and just change branches.

更新时间:2023-12-02 12:12


以下是一个演示示例: http : //bl.ocks.org/tristen/0c0ed34e210a04e89984

与像Leaftlet这样的映射库不同,Mapbox GL JS没有“底图”与“其他图层”的概念。 所有图层都是同一实体的一部分:样式。 所以你需要保持一些数据层的状态,并在每次更改时调用它的source / addLayer。

Here's an example demonstrating that: http://bl.ocks.org/tristen/0c0ed34e210a04e89984

Unlike a mapping library like Leaftlet, Mapbox GL JS doesn't have a concept of "basemap" vs "other layers." All layers are part of the same entity: the style. So you need to keep some state of the data layer around and call its source/addLayer on each change.


  • 以下是一个演示示例: http : //bl.ocks.org/tristen/0c0ed34e210a04e89984 与像Leaftlet这样的映射库不同,Mapbox GL JS没有“底图”与“其他图层”的概念。 所有图层都是同一实体的一部分:样式。 所以你需要保持一些数据层的状态,并在每次更改时调用它的source / addLayer。 Here's an example demonstrating that: http://bl.ocks.org/tristen/0c0ed34e210a04e8 ...
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    lorem ipsum blah blah
    ' ) .addTo(map); Figured it out. let popup = new mapboxgl.Popup() .setLngLat() .setHTML( '
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  • 此功能尚未实现。 它非常缺失。 你会考虑提交公关吗? https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/1485 This feature is not yet implemented. It is sorely missing. Would you consider submitting a PR? https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/1485
  • 我很接近。 这实际上起作用: