首页 \ 问答 \ git(+ LaTeX)分支/合并工作流程(git (+ LaTeX) branching/merging workflow)

git(+ LaTeX)分支/合并工作流程(git (+ LaTeX) branching/merging workflow)


我正在使用git来控制我在LaTeX编写的论文。 我想改进我目前次优的git工作流程 ,因为它需要太多的合并(即需要时间+它会污染日志历史记录)。

目前,我的工作流程如下: 在此处输入图像描述

  • 我承诺只master分支“最终确定”的版本(即当我向我的主管发送当前未破坏的我的工作版本时);
  • 这些提交来自一个develop分支,它聚合了几个feature/x分支并包含预发布补丁。
  • 几个feature/x ,对应于我论文的各个部分,例如:
    • feature/state-of-the-art
    • feature/conclusion
    • feature/page-layout
    • feature/global-settings

在每个feature - 分支中,我大多只更改一个文件(例如,第一个分支的part/SotA.tex )。 然而,我喜欢与多个分支合作,因此我更容易跟踪在这个或那个部分/主题上完成的工作。



  • 为了概述我的工作 ,我必须将每个feature/x分支合并到develop 。 这让我做了很多合并提交,污染了我的历史。 实际上,我的工作流看起来实际上就像这样(其中d3d4d5就在这里,使我能够全面了解我的工作):

  • 类似地, 如果我想导入在另一个分支中完成的修改 (例如加载包),我必须将develop分支合并回每个feature/x分支:


  1. 与其他feature/x分支共享feature/n分支的更改,
  2. 能够概述我在feature/n分支上的工作(而不是$git checkout master + $git merge feature/n

我知道我可以使用更少的分支,但是,如上所述,它们对我有用,我想保留它们。 我认为rebase -p可能是一个解决方案,但我并没有掌握git足以弄清楚如何继续 - 因为每个feature/x分支源于并合并到develop


Current workflow

I'm using git to control-version my thesis written in LaTeX. I'd like to improve my currently sub-optimal git workflow, since it requires too many merges (i.e. it takes time + it pollutes the log history).

Currently, my workflow is the following: enter image description here

  • I commit to master branch "finalized" releases only (i.e. when I send my supervisor a current not-broken version of my work);
  • These commits come from a develop branch that aggregates several feature/x branches and contains pre-release patches.
  • Several feature/x, corresponding to the various parts of my thesis, e.g.:
    • feature/state-of-the-art
    • feature/conclusion
    • feature/page-layout
    • feature/global-settings

In each feature-branch, I mostly change one file only (e.g. part/SotA.tex for the first branch). Yet I like to work with multiple branch, so that it's easier for me to keep track of work done on this or that part/topic.


This workflow however has some drawbacks I'd like to sort out:

  • To have an overview of my work, I have to merge each feature/x branch into develop. This makes me do a lot of merge commits that pollutes my history. Indeed, my workflow looks actually rather like this (where d3, d4, and d5 are just here to enable me to have a global overview of my work):
    enter image description here

  • Similarly, if I want to import modifications done in another branch (e.g. loading a package), I have to merge back the develop branch into each feature/x branch:
    enter image description here


Thus, I'd like to be able to:

  1. share changes of the feature/n branch with other feature/x branches,
  2. be able to have an overview of my work remaining on feature/n branch (instead of $git checkout master + $git merge feature/n)

without so doing so many merging.
I know I could use less branches, but, as explained above, they are useful to me and I'd like to keep them. I think rebase -p could be a solution, but I'm not mastering git enough to figure out how to proceed - since each feature/x branch stems from and merge into develop.

NB: I am the only commiter in this workflow, so I can rewrite history as I want.

更新时间:2023-05-26 14:05


不加入。 您需要来自供应商表的数据 其中给出了特定条件(最大数量的产品)。 因此, FROM子句中的suppliersWHERE子句中的产品。

您可以按supplier_idproducts表进行分组,以便获得每个供应商的汇总。 按计数排序并取得最高记录。

select * 
from suppliers
where supplier_id in
  select top(1) with ties
  from products
  group by supplier_id
  order by count(*) desc

Don't join. You want data from the suppliers table where a certain condition (largest number of products) is given. Hence suppliers in the FROM clause, products in the WHERE clause.

You'd group the products table by supplier_id, so as to get an aggregate per supplier. Order by count and take the top record(s).

select * 
from suppliers
where supplier_id in
  select top(1) with ties
  from products
  group by supplier_id
  order by count(*) desc


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  • 不加入。 您需要来自供应商表的数据, 其中给出了特定条件(最大数量的产品)。 因此, FROM子句中的suppliers , WHERE子句中的产品。 您可以按supplier_id对products表进行分组,以便获得每个供应商的汇总。 按计数排序并取得最高记录。 select * from suppliers where supplier_id in ( select top(1) with ties supplier_id from products group by suppl ...
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