首页 \ 问答 \ 谷歌饼图切片通过变量传递值为偏移量(google pie chart slices pass value through variable for offset)

谷歌饼图切片通过变量传递值为偏移量(google pie chart slices pass value through variable for offset)


        $scope.onSelectRowFunction = function(selectedItem)

           var selectedRow = parseInt(selectedItem.row);
           $scope.chartpie.options = {
                "slices": {selectedRow : {"offset": 0.4}},
                "title": "Title is here",
                "isStacked": "true",                    
                "sliceVisibilityThreshold": 0,
                "displayExactValues": true


I am using google chart api and angularjs.I need to set slices value through variable.All example i have seen they are hardcoded or using foreach loop.How could i set selected pie slice value through variable.Here is my code?"selectedRow" variable is passing as a string not as a variable.

        $scope.onSelectRowFunction = function(selectedItem)

           var selectedRow = parseInt(selectedItem.row);
           $scope.chartpie.options = {
                "slices": {selectedRow : {"offset": 0.4}},
                "title": "Title is here",
                "isStacked": "true",                    
                "sliceVisibilityThreshold": 0,
                "displayExactValues": true


更新时间:2023-08-14 19:08


你可以这样做 :

$('a[href~="tel:{{telefono}}"]').attr('href', 'tel:'+telefono);

如果你想要更通用的东西,那就是你要在所有属性href替换{{telefono}} ,你可以使用:

$('[href~="{{telefono}}"]').attr('href', function(i, v) {
   return v.replace('{{telefono}}', telefono);



$('[href~="{{telefono}}"]').attr('href', function(i, v) {
   return v.replace('{{telefono}}', telefono);

You can do this :

$('a[href~="tel:{{telefono}}"]').attr('href', 'tel:'+telefono);

If you want something more generic, that is you want to replace {{telefono}} in all your attributes href, you could use this :

$('[href~="{{telefono}}"]').attr('href', function(i, v) {
   return v.replace('{{telefono}}', telefono);


If you also want to change the content of the a element, you can do this :

$('[href~="{{telefono}}"]').attr('href', function(i, v) {
   return v.replace('{{telefono}}', telefono);


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