首页 \ 问答 \ 改变ProgressBar的可见性会导致关闭(Changing visibility of ProgressBar causes force close)

改变ProgressBar的可见性会导致关闭(Changing visibility of ProgressBar causes force close)

我有一个包含WebView的布局,以及以它为中心的ProgressBar。 进度条需要显示并且保存为程序(当网页内容加载时)。 但是,将ProgressBar设置为使用loading.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);可见loading.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); ,导致一个力量关闭。 如果ProgressBar默认是可见的,那么它工作正常。 如果需要,我会粘贴所有适当的代码,但我怀疑我正在做一些根本性的错误。


好的,代码。 setVisibility简单地说就是:

  public void nowLoading() {

nowLoading被称为...通过JavaScript,与WebView上的addJavascriptInterface。 啊...我想象WevView是在一个不同的线程。 我如何解决这个问题?

I have a layout containing a WebView, and a ProgressBar centred on top of it. The progress bar needs to be shown and hid programatticaly (as web content loads). However, setting the ProgressBar to be visible using loading.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);, causes a force close. If the ProgressBar is visible by default it works fine. I will paste all appropriate code if needed, but I suspect I'm doing something fundamentally and simply wrong.

(should have force-close tag but neither it nor forceclose exists and I can't create it.)

Okay, code. The setVisibility is simply:

  public void nowLoading() {

nowLoading is called... via javascript, with addJavascriptInterface on the WebView. Ahh... I imagine the WevView is in a different Thread. How do I solve that?

更新时间:2022-06-23 19:06


在复制/粘贴操作期间,源和目标之间有内容类型协商。 它发生的有点像这样:

  1. 您将某些内容复制到复制和粘贴缓冲区中。 复制的数据或多或少都标记为MIME类型,并放置在那里。
  2. 粘贴时,粘贴目标会告知复制粘贴系统,它理解特定的MIME类型列表。
  3. 复制粘贴系统将可用格式与所需格式相匹配,并在两个列表中找到text/html
  4. 有人(可能是数据的原始来源)然后将粘贴缓冲区转换为text/html并将其放入编辑器中。

当我在做X11 / Motif开发时(嘿,放下我的草坪,让你烂的孩子!),这就是事情的方式。所以我猜测每个人都会以同样的方式做出这样的事情。

There's a content type negotiation between the source and target during the copy/paste operation. It happens sort of like this:

  1. You copy something into the copy and paste buffer. The copied data is tagged with, more or less, a MIME type and who put it there.
  2. When you paste, the paste target tells the copy-and-paste system that it understands a specific list of MIME types.
  3. The copy-and-paste system matches the available formats to the desired formats and finds text/html in both lists.
  4. Someone (probably the original source of the data) then converts the paste buffer to text/html and drops it in the editor.

That's pretty much how things worked back when I was doing X11/Motif development (hey! get off my lawn you rotten kids!) so I'd guess that everyone does it pretty much the same way.


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