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高级优先级队列(Advanced priority queue)

我正在寻找C ++中优先级队列的实现。 除了STL 优先级队列的基本功能外,还需要以下方法:

  1. 它可以在推送时删除所有相同的元素(由函数确定)(类似于一组)
  2. 它可以过滤掉一些元素(由另一个函数确定)。


I'm looking for an implementation of priority queue in C++. Besides the basic functionality in STL priority queue, it requires the following methods:

  1. It can remove all same elements (determined by a function) when pushing (Similar to a set)
  2. It can filter out some elements (determined by another function).

Do you have some suggestions on how to implement it?

更新时间:2022-04-24 17:04


在set语句中使用point=时,还需要包含stop语句以防止无限循环。 尝试这个:

%let buffer = 3;     
data dates_with_buffer; 
   do i = -1*&buffer. to &buffer.; 
      do j = 1 to 14; 
         set original_dates point = j; 
         output_dates = dates + &buffer.; 

When you use point= on a set statement, you need to include a stop statement as well to prevent an infinite loop. Try this:

%let buffer = 3;     
data dates_with_buffer; 
   do i = -1*&buffer. to &buffer.; 
      do j = 1 to 14; 
         set original_dates point = j; 
         output_dates = dates + &buffer.; 


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