首页 \ 问答 \ 分析Java堆转储时耗尽内存(Running out of memory while analyzing a Java Heap Dump)

分析Java堆转储时耗尽内存(Running out of memory while analyzing a Java Heap Dump)

我有一个奇怪的问题,我需要分析一个1.5GB大小的Java堆转储(来自IBM JRE),问题是在分析转储时(我已经尝试过HeapAnalyzerIBM Memory Analyzer 0.5 )这些工具耗尽内存我无法真正分析转储。 我的机器里有3GB的RAM,但似乎还不足以分析1.5 GB的转储,

我的问题是,您是否知道我可以使用我拥有的内存量运行的堆转储分析(支持IBM JRE转储)的特定工具?


I have a curious problem, I need to analyze a Java heap dump (from an IBM JRE) which has 1.5GB in size, the problem is that while analyzing the dump (I've tried HeapAnalyzer and the IBM Memory Analyzer 0.5) the tools runs out of memory I can't really analyze the dump. I have 3GB of RAM in my machine, but seems like it's not enough to analyze the 1.5 GB dump,

My question is, do you know a specific tool for heap dump analysis (supporting IBM JRE dumps) that I could run with the amount of memory I have?


更新时间:2022-02-13 15:02


你可以使用type_index(c ++ 11)

class Counter
  template<class T>
  int plus1() {
    return map_[std::type_index(typeid(T))]++;
  std::map<std::type_index, int> map_;


You can use type_index (c++11)

class Counter
  template<class T>
  int plus1() {
    return map_[std::type_index(typeid(T))]++;
  std::map<std::type_index, int> map_;

typeid is deduced at compile time if not called on reference to polymorphic object.


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