首页 \ 问答 \ 让父div的宽度等于最宽的子元素/ div(Getting Parent div's width to equal widest Child element/div)

让父div的宽度等于最宽的子元素/ div(Getting Parent div's width to equal widest Child element/div)



<div> //container
  <div> //list of each element
    <div> // element 1
      ... children comprised of on SVG and a few other divs
    <div> // element 2
      ... children comprised of on SVG and a few other divs
    <div> // element 3
      ... children comprised of on SVG and a few other divs

我的问题是元素div的width s没有正确设置(或更新)。 div的宽度应该是子SVG的宽度(因为它是最宽的),div的高度应该是子div的高度(其中2个)和SVG的高度。

这是这个例子的小提琴 。 您会注意到栏示例正在被切断。 这个div的计算宽度是300,尽管它的SVG更大(拖动以查看剩余部分)

JQ-UI正在发挥作用,因此在用户操纵表示的大小后,其他人将重新渲染自己。 如果我们可以找出为什么div渲染到300px,那么它也将修复重新渲染,因为它将基于其子元素。

似乎问题也可能出在SVG本身。 我还没有在SVG上定义宽度和高度属性,而是在CSS上这样做了。 如果我在调整大小时操纵SVG宽度属性,它似乎可能有效,但我仍然不清楚为什么SVG的宽度不计算然后适合div。

To my understanding, if a div's width and height properties are not defined, the Parent div will equal the result of the arranged children elements width and height properties added collectively (and respectively).

My current set up is like so:

<div> //container
  <div> //list of each element
    <div> // element 1
      ... children comprised of on SVG and a few other divs
    <div> // element 2
      ... children comprised of on SVG and a few other divs
    <div> // element 3
      ... children comprised of on SVG and a few other divs

My problem is that the widths of the element divs are not getting set (or updated) correctly. The width of the div should be the width of the child SVG (as it is the widest), and the height of the div should be the height of the child divs (2 of them) and the height of the SVG.

Here is the fiddle of the example. You will notice that the bar example is being cut off. This div's computed width is 300, despite its SVG is larger (drag to see the remaining portion)

JQ-UI is in play, so after a user manipulates the size of on representation, the others will re-render themselves. If we can figure out why the div is rendering to 300px, then it will also fix the re-rendering, since it will be based on its children elements.

It appears that the issue might also be with the SVGs themselves. I have not defined the width and height properties on the SVG, rather I did so on the CSS. If I manipulate the SVG width propertuy on resize, it appears to potentially work, but I am still uynsure of why the SVG's width is not calcualated and then fit into the div.

更新时间:2022-01-15 07:01



  1. 使用say json数组对数据进行编码,因此您有key = value对,如user:1234567 -> [21,'25-05-2012','14-06-2010']
  2. 将您的键分成两部分,这样第二部分就有大约100种可能性。 例如, user:1234567
  3. 将此组合键存储在像此hset user:12345 67 <json>的哈希中hset user:12345 67 <json>
  4. 要检索用户ID 9876523的用户详细信息,只需执行hget user:98765 23并解析json数组
  5. 确保调整设置hash-max-ziplist-entries和hash-max-ziplist-value

Instagram写了一篇很棒的博客文章来解释这种技术 ,所以我将跳过解释为什么这是内存效率的。


  1. 您无法访问或更新用户的单个属性; 你必须重写整个记录。
  2. 即使您只关心某些字段,也必须始终获取整个json对象。
  3. 最后,您必须在拆分键上编写此逻辑,这是添加的维护。

与往常一样,这是一种权衡。 确定您的访问模式,看看这样的结构是否有意义。 如果没有,你必须购买更多的内存。

The most memory efficient way is storing values as a json array, and splitting your keys such that you can store them using a ziplist encoded hash.

  1. Encode your data using say json array, so you have key=value pairs like user:1234567 -> [21,'25-05-2012','14-06-2010'].
  2. Split your keys into two parts, such that the second part has about 100 possibilities. For example, user:12345 and 67
  3. Store this combined key in a hash like this hset user:12345 67 <json>
  4. To retrieve user details for user id 9876523, simply do hget user:98765 23 and parse the json array
  5. Make sure to adjust the settings hash-max-ziplist-entries and hash-max-ziplist-value

Instagram wrote a great blog post explaining this technique, so I will skip explaining why this is memory efficient.

Instead, I can tell you the disadvantages of this technique.

  1. You cannot access or update a single attribute on a user; you have to rewrite the entire record.
  2. You'd have to fetch the entire json object always even if you only care about some fields.
  3. Finally, you have to write this logic on splitting keys, which is added maintenance.

As always, this is a trade-off. Identify your access patterns and see if such a structure makes sense. If not, you'd have to buy more memory.


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