首页 \ 问答 \ Firefox插件SDK错误:无法从内部工具栏中删除(Firefox addon SDK error: Unable to Remove from Inner-Toolbar)

Firefox插件SDK错误:无法从内部工具栏中删除(Firefox addon SDK error: Unable to Remove from Inner-Toolbar)


[CustomizableUI] Widget action-button--myAddonID-misspelutton not found, unable to remove from inner-toolbar-myAddonID-the-title-of-my-addon1 CustomizableUI.jsm:171

因此,插件的小部件ID以某种方式拼写错误并卡在某处。 该术语未出现在我的任何代码中。

详细信息:我最初使用XUL叠加层构建此插件,并使用Firefox AddOn SDK重建它。 我想(但我不确定)这个问题是这样的:我从Firefox Addon Repo安装了我的签名插件,然后我用jpm post --post-url http://localhost:8888/将它安装到Firefox Developer Edition运行Extension Auto-Installer


const { CustomizableUI } = Cu.import('resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm', {});


我也试过这个:卸载插件,进入自定义模式并选择“恢复默认值”,将所有工具栏重置为默认值。 然后我退出Firefox并重新启动它。 当我运行jpm来安装插件时,错误代码仍然存在。



After hours and hours trying to get things working, I have this error in my console:

[CustomizableUI] Widget action-button--myAddonID-misspelutton not found, unable to remove from inner-toolbar-myAddonID-the-title-of-my-addon1 CustomizableUI.jsm:171

So, the addon's widget id is misspelled somehow and stuck somewhere. The term does not appear in any of my code.

Details: I originally built this addon using XUL overlays, and am rebuilding it with the Firefox AddOn SDK. I think (but I'm not sure) this problem happens like this: I installed my signed addon from the Firefox Addon Repo, and then I used jpm post --post-url http://localhost:8888/ to install it into Firefox Developer Edition running the Extension Auto-Installer.

In my code I had this, but I've removed it and everything that pertains to it:

const { CustomizableUI } = Cu.import('resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm', {});


I have also tried this: uninstall the addon, enter customization mode and choose "Restore to Defaults" which resets all the toolbars to default. Then I exited Firefox and restarted it. When I run jpm to install the addon, the error code persists.

Funny thing also is this: when I view the button using the toolbox inspector, it shows the #id of that button just like in the error.

With that said, how do I resolve the problem without creating a new firefox profile?

更新时间:2023-04-04 06:04


此解决方案适用于Internet Explorer。 我不知道如何为firefox或chrome做到这一点。

链接1 - http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlexpress/thread/9b5a8763-84ce-46d0-b011-067ad39223d1/

请参阅Chirag Shah的解决方案。 仅遵循步骤13.我无法执行步骤14,因为我找不到主页对话框。

在Chirag谈论一些URL的步骤。 我真的不明白任何这些网址的含义。 因此,我使用了“Reporting Services配置管理器”中“报表管理器URL”下的URL。 它是



完成此操作后,请转到下面的链接并按照所有步骤操作 - http://www.soheib.com/technical-knowledge/sql-server-2012-reporting-services-uac-user-access-control/

在第7步中,我看到了很多复选框。 我选了所有这些。 最后,我可以安息吧。 希望它也适合你。

此外,在制作上述链接中描述的帐户时,您可能会看到“BUILTIN \ Administrators”帐户。 忽略它 - 这就是我所做的。

                             **END  OF POST**

从Chirag Shah的帖子中采取的步骤 -

  1. 配置报表服务器以进行本地管理。 要在本地访问报表服务器和报表管理器,请按照下列步骤操作:
  2. 启动Windows Internet Explorer。
  3. 在“工具”菜单上,单击“Internet选项”。
  4. 单击安全性。
  5. 单击“可信站点”。
  6. 单击站点。
  7. 在“将此网站添加到区域”下,键入http:// ServerName。 如果未将HTTPS用于默认站点,请单击以清除“对该区域中的所有站点要求服务器认证(https :)”复选框。
  8. 单击添加。
  9. 重复步骤7f和步骤7g以添加http localhost URL,然后单击“关闭”。
  10. 注意:此步骤使您可以启动Internet Explorer并为Report Server应用程序和Report Manager应用程序打开服务器的localhost或网络计算机名称。
  11. 创建明确授予您访问权限和完全权限的角色分配。 为此,请按照下列步骤操作:
  12. 与“以管理员身份运行”选项一起启动Internet Explorer。 为此,请单击“开始”,单击“所有程序”,右键单击“Internet Explorer”,然后单击“以管理员身份运行”。
  13. 打开报表管理器。 默认情况下,报表管理器URL为http:// ServerName / reports。 如果将SQL Server Express与高级服务SP2一起使用,则报表管理器URL为http:// ServerName / reports $ sqlexpress。 如果使用Reporting Services的命名实例,则报表管理器URL为http:// ServerName / reports $ InstanceName

This solution is for Internet Explorer. I don't know how it can be done for firefox or chrome.

Link 1 - http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlexpress/thread/9b5a8763-84ce-46d0-b011-067ad39223d1/

See the solutions by Chirag Shah. Follow only up to step 13. I could not follow Step 14 because I found no home dialog box.

In the steps Chirag talks about some URL's. I don't really understand the meaning of any of those URL's. So, I used the URL under "Report Manager URL" in "Reporting Services Configuration Manager". It was


The 8080 is a port number.

Once you finished this, go to the link below and follow all the steps - http://www.soheib.com/technical-knowledge/sql-server-2012-reporting-services-uac-user-access-control/

In the 7th step, I saw a lot of check boxes. I selected all of them. Finally, I can rest in peace. Hope it works for you too.

Also, when making the accounts described in the above link, you might see "BUILTIN\Administrators" account. Ignore it - thats what i did.

                             **END  OF POST**

Steps taken from Chirag Shah's post -

  1. Configure the report server for local administration. To access the report server and Report Manager locally, follow these steps:
  2. Start Windows Internet Explorer.
  3. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  4. Click Security.
  5. Click Trusted Sites.
  6. Click Sites.
  7. Under Add this Web site to the zone, type http://ServerName. If you are not using HTTPS for the default site, click to clear the Require server certification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Repeat step 7f and step 7g to add the http localhost URL, and then click Close.
  10. Note This step enables you to start Internet Explorer and open either the localhost or the network computer name of the server for both the Report Server application and the Report Manager application.
  11. Create role assignments that explicitly grant you access together with full permissions. To do this, follow these steps:
  12. Start Internet Explorer together with the Run as administrator option. To do this, click Start, click All Programs, right-click Internet Explorer, and then click Run as administrator.
  13. Open Report Manager. By default, the Report Manager URL is http://ServerName/reports. If you use SQL Server Express with Advanced Services SP2, the Report Manager URL is http://ServerName/reports$sqlexpress. If you use a named instance of Reporting Services, the Report Manager URL is http://ServerName/reports$InstanceName


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