首页 \ 问答 \ Firefox插件工具栏按钮在首次运行后消失(Firefox addon toolbar button disappears after first run)

Firefox插件工具栏按钮在首次运行后消失(Firefox addon toolbar button disappears after first run)



要添加工具栏按钮,我使用SDK toolbarbutton.js的流行库:


我只想在第一次安装时添加图标并且它可以工作,图标出现但是在重新启动浏览器后图标消失了。 用户必须使用右键单击按钮打开设置浏览器栏并再次将图标拖到栏中。 然后,如果他重新启动图标继续在其位置正确。


我已经测试了一些函数来检测图标是否不在他的位置再次移动,但是如果用户隐藏图标,那么当他重新启动它时它将再次出现。 这是Firefox政策禁止的。



 button = createButton(options);

 if (options.loadReason == "install")
       toolbarID: "nav-bar",
       insertbefore: "home-button"

 function createButton(options) {
   return toolbarbutton.ToolbarButton({
     id: "NoteBoard",
     label: "Note Board",
     tooltiptext: "Note Board",
     image: data.url("noteboardMini.png"),
     onCommand: function() {
     onContext: (function () {
       var installed = false;
       return function (e, menupopup, _menuitem) {
       //Install command event listener
         if (!installed) {
            menupopup.addEventListener("command", function (e) {
               var link = e.originalTarget.value;
               if (link) open(link.replace(/\?.*/ , ""));
            installed = true;
         var temp = (function (arr) {
            arr.forEach(function (item, index) {
               for (var i = index + 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
                  if (arr[i] && item.label == arr[i].label) {delete arr[index]}

         return arr.filter(function (item){return item});
    //remove old items
     while (menupopup.firstChild) {
     function addChild (label, value) {
      var item = _menuitem.cloneNode(true);
      item.setAttribute("label", label);
      item.setAttribute("value", value);
    if (temp.length) {
      temp.forEach(function (obj) {
        addChild(obj.label, obj.link);
    else {
      addChild(_("context"), "");

I have a Firefox addon made with the add-on SDK.


To add a toolbar button I use a popular library for the SDK toolbarbutton.js:


I only want to add the icon when it first installs and it works, the icon appears but after restarting the browser the icon disappears. The user has to use the right click button to open the setup browser bar and drag the icon again to the bar. Then if he restarts the icon continue correctly in its place.

I want to fix this behaviour because the most part of users probably don't know that they can recover the icon with the setup options.

I've tested some functions to detect if the icon is not in his place to move again, but by doing this if the user hides the icon, when he restarts it will appear again. And this is forbidden by Firefox policies.

I'll appreciate any help, I'm going crazy.

The code I use is this:

 button = createButton(options);

 if (options.loadReason == "install")
       toolbarID: "nav-bar",
       insertbefore: "home-button"

 function createButton(options) {
   return toolbarbutton.ToolbarButton({
     id: "NoteBoard",
     label: "Note Board",
     tooltiptext: "Note Board",
     image: data.url("noteboardMini.png"),
     onCommand: function() {
     onContext: (function () {
       var installed = false;
       return function (e, menupopup, _menuitem) {
       //Install command event listener
         if (!installed) {
            menupopup.addEventListener("command", function (e) {
               var link = e.originalTarget.value;
               if (link) open(link.replace(/\?.*/ , ""));
            installed = true;
         var temp = (function (arr) {
            arr.forEach(function (item, index) {
               for (var i = index + 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
                  if (arr[i] && item.label == arr[i].label) {delete arr[index]}

         return arr.filter(function (item){return item});
    //remove old items
     while (menupopup.firstChild) {
     function addChild (label, value) {
      var item = _menuitem.cloneNode(true);
      item.setAttribute("label", label);
      item.setAttribute("value", value);
    if (temp.length) {
      temp.forEach(function (obj) {
        addChild(obj.label, obj.link);
    else {
      addChild(_("context"), "");

更新时间:2023-02-03 15:02




错误:无法运行程序“jar”:CreateProcess error = 2,系统找不到指定的文件打包项目HelaBibleWhereUR失败(耗时10.715秒)

我只是将java bin文件夹下的jar.exe放在jre bin文件夹中。

I solved this problem


Error: Cannot run program "jar": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified Packaging project HelaBibleWhereUR failed (took 10.715 seconds)

I simply put jar.exe that is under java bin folder in the jre bin folder.


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