首页 \ 问答 \ 如何从F#dll重建F#程序集签名(How to reconstruct F# assembly signature from F# dll)

如何从F#dll重建F#程序集签名(How to reconstruct F# assembly signature from F# dll)


我知道我可以使用FSharp.Compiler.Service库从源文件中获取签名数据。 我找不到一种方法来使用该库从没有源的dll生成签名信息。

我看到两个选项,但我认为可能有一个更简单的解决方案。 我知道的两个选项是:

  1. 在Fll中嵌入F#源代码,并使用FSharp.Compiler.Service从嵌入式资源中提取信息。 然后,我可以通过名称中的对应关系来反映元数据。 除非我做错了什么,否则FSharp.Compiler.Service无法解释.fsi签名文件,因此似乎需要嵌入整个源才能使其正常工作。

  2. 从反射元数据重建F#签名。 这种方法似乎必然不足,因为某些数据无法通过反射(例如类型别名)恢复。




I want to access F# signature data from a compiled F# dll.

I understand that I can get the signature data from the source files using the FSharp.Compiler.Service library. I could not find a way to use that library to produce signature information from a dll without sources.

I see two options, but I think it's possible there may be a simpler solution. The two options I'm aware of are:

  1. Embed the F# source code in the dll and use FSharp.Compiler.Service to extract information from the embedded resource. I could then make any associations to reflection metadata from correspondence in name. Unless I did something wrong, FSharp.Compiler.Service can't interpret an .fsi signature file, so it seems that the whole source would need to be embedded for this to work.

  2. Reconstruct the F# signature from reflection metadata. This approach seems necessarily insufficient because some data is not recoverable through reflection (e.g. type aliases).

My question is:

Is there a better way to access F# signature data and associate it with reflection metadata than I have suggested?

Another way to look at this question that might make it a little more concrete is, "Given a compiled F# assembly, how can I determine all the type aliases (and referents thereof) that would be available to referencing projects?"

更新时间:2023-05-25 06:05


SharePoint提供名为SharePoint Diagnostics( diagnostics.asmx )的Web服务,此Web服务使客户端应用程序能够将诊断报告直接提交到ULS日志,请按照从JavaScript写入SharePoint统一日志记录服务以获取更多详细信息。

SharePoint JavaScript库( init.js )包含以下用于使用诊断Web服务的函数:

function ULSOnError(msg, url, line) {
    return ULSSendExceptionImpl(msg, url, line, ULSOnError.caller);

function ULSSendException(ex) {
    var message = ex.message;

    if (typeof message == "undefined")
        message = ex.toString();
    ULSSendExceptionImpl(message, location.href, 0, ULSSendException.caller);

var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var list = ctx.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listTitle);
ctx.executeQueryAsync(function() {
       ULS.enable = true; //ensure ULS logging is enabled
       ULSOnError('An error occured while getting list' + args.get_message(), location.href, 0);

SharePoint provides a web service named SharePoint Diagnostics (diagnostics.asmx), this web service enables a client application to submit diagnostic reports directly to the ULS logs, follow Writing to the SharePoint Unified Logging Service from JavaScript for a more details.

SharePoint JavaScript library (init.js) contains the following functions that consume Diagnostics web service:

function ULSOnError(msg, url, line) {
    return ULSSendExceptionImpl(msg, url, line, ULSOnError.caller);

function ULSSendException(ex) {
    var message = ex.message;

    if (typeof message == "undefined")
        message = ex.toString();
    ULSSendExceptionImpl(message, location.href, 0, ULSSendException.caller);


var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var list = ctx.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listTitle);
ctx.executeQueryAsync(function() {
       ULS.enable = true; //ensure ULS logging is enabled
       ULSOnError('An error occured while getting list' + args.get_message(), location.href, 0);


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  • Soooo,我找到了答案,从观点来看,它最终是非常愚蠢的。 Windows服务上的跟踪服务在本地服务帐户上运行。 而服务器上的用户组性能日志用户中不存在相同的帐户。 其中包含一些管理Sharepoint帐户。 所以,我更喜欢通过上面提到的一个Sharepoint帐户更改跟踪服务上的本地服务帐户,重新启动该服务,并且日志已经开始再次运行! 对于遇到相同问题的任何人,这里有帮助我的链接: 记录用户帐户 Soooo, I found the answer, it was pretty dumb finally a ...
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