首页 \ 问答 \ 分布式系统:保持不同节点之间的时间戳一致性(Distributed Systems: Keeping timestamp consistency between different nodes)

分布式系统:保持不同节点之间的时间戳一致性(Distributed Systems: Keeping timestamp consistency between different nodes)


我们有一个分配系统。 我们从其中一个系统发出事件,这些系统从另一个系统读取以生成报告。

逻辑顺序由以下事实确保:即使发射器系统具有N个节点,也存在下划线的有限状态机,这使得不可能同时发射一个聚合的事件。 这些事件标有时间戳。 N个节点不能总是在时间上同步。



2节点可能有一点差异的事实让我们思考。 让我们想象下一个例子。


事件1 =>事件2 =>事件3


|  Name   |  TimeStamp  |  Logical Order  |
| Event 1 |      2      |        1        |
| Event 2 |      1      |        2        |
| Event 3 |      3      |        3        |

你有没有看到, 事件2事件1之后是逻辑上发生的,但它们的时间戳无法同步。

好吧,这不会每2秒发生一次,但可能会发生,因为时间戳来自不同的节点。 从报告的角度来看,这是一个异常现象。


  1. 让报告人员意识到可能存在的问题。 我们无法拥有一个全球性的时间来源(NTP不是一个很好的解决方案,因为有一些好的理由)所以如果有很小的时间差异不是问题,那就意味着“这个事件发生在那个周围时间”。
  2. 确保时间戳一致性检查逻辑流中的下一个事件的时间戳不能小于上一个使它们等于的事件的时间戳。 这不是事实,但即使从非开发人员的角度来看,也保持流程一致。



We have a distrubuted system. We emit events from one of those systems which are read from another system for report generation.

Logical order is ensured by the fact that even if the emitter system has N nodes there is a finite state machine underlined which makes impossible to have concurrent emission of an event for one aggregate. These events are marked with a timestamp. N nodes could not always be on synch about the time.

We care so much about timestamp because the down-stream system which generates reports needs quite always a timestamp because "Reporting people" care about this kind data to check things are going the right way.

The problem

The fact 2 nodes could have a little discrepancy is making us thinking. Let's imagine the next example.

The logical order of the events is this:

Event 1 => Event 2 => Event 3

But in the Database we could have this situation:

|  Name   |  TimeStamp  |  Logical Order  |
| Event 1 |      2      |        1        |
| Event 2 |      1      |        2        |
| Event 3 |      3      |        3        |

Has you can see, Event 2 is logically happened after the Event 1 but their timestamp could not be on synch.

Ok, this is not going to happen every 2 seconds but it could happen because the timestamp comes from different nodes. And from a Reporting point of view this is an anomaly.

Possible solutions

  1. Make Reporting people aware of the possible problem. We are not able to have one global source of time (NTP is not a good solution for some good reasons) so if there are discrepancies of a very small amount of time is not a problem and it means that "this event is happened around that time".
  2. Ensure timestamp consistency checking that the next event in the logical flow could not have a timestamp which is less that the previous event making them equals. This is not the truth but keeps the flow consistent even from a non developer point of view.

Have you got experiences on this topic?

更新时间:2023-05-29 08:05


Net Surgery教程应该为您提供所需的基础知识。 但是,让我更详细地解释您需要做的步骤:

  1. 准备.prototxt网络体系结构:您需要两个文件:现有的ImageNet .prototxt文件和新的时态网络体系结构。 您应该在两个网络中使第一个卷积层之外的所有层相同,包括层的名称。 这样,您可以使用ImageNet .caffemodel文件自动初始化权重。

    由于第一个转换层具有不同的大小,因此必须在.prototxt文件中为其指定与ImageNet文件中不同的名称。 否则,Caffe将尝试使用现有权重初始化此图层,由于它们具有不同的形状,因此会失败。 (这是在你的问题的编辑中发生的事情。)只需将其命名为conv1b并相应地更改对该层的所有引用。

  2. 加载ImageNet网络进行测试,以便从模型文件中提取参数:

    net = caffe.Net('imagenet.prototxt', 'imagenet.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
  3. 从此加载的模型中提取权重。

    conv_1_weights = old_net.params['conv1'][0].data
    conv_1_biases = old_net.params['conv1'][1].data
  4. 平均渠道的权重:

    conv_av_weights = np.mean(conv_1_weights, axis=1, keepdims=True)
  5. 将新网络与旧的.caffemodel文件一起加载,因为除第一层之外的所有图层都直接使用ImageNet中的权重:

    new_net = caffe.Net('new_network.prototxt', 'imagenet.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
  6. 将计算出的平均权重分配给新网络

    new_net.params['conv1b'][0].data[...] = conv_av_weights
    new_net.params['conv1b'][1].data[...] = conv_1_biases
  7. 将权重保存到新的.caffemodel文件:


The Net Surgery tutorial should give you the basics you need to cover this. But let me explain the steps you need to do in more detail:

  1. Prepare the .prototxt network architectures: You need two files: the existing ImageNet .prototxt file, and your new temporal network architecture. You should make all layers except the first convolutional layers identical in both networks, including the names of the layers. That way, you can use the ImageNet .caffemodel file to initialize the weights automatically.

    As the first conv layer has a different size, you have to give it a different name in your .prototxt file than it has in the ImageNet file. Otherwise, Caffe will try to initialize this layer with the existing weights too, which will fail as they have different shapes. (This is what happens in the edit to your question.) Just name it e.g. conv1b and change all references to that layer accordingly.

  2. Load the ImageNet network for testing, so you can extract the parameters from the model file:

    net = caffe.Net('imagenet.prototxt', 'imagenet.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
  3. Extract the weights from this loaded model.

    conv_1_weights = old_net.params['conv1'][0].data
    conv_1_biases = old_net.params['conv1'][1].data
  4. Average the weights across the channels:

    conv_av_weights = np.mean(conv_1_weights, axis=1, keepdims=True)
  5. Load your new network together with the old .caffemodel file, as all layers except for the first layer directly use the weights from ImageNet:

    new_net = caffe.Net('new_network.prototxt', 'imagenet.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
  6. Assign your calculated average weights to the new network

    new_net.params['conv1b'][0].data[...] = conv_av_weights
    new_net.params['conv1b'][1].data[...] = conv_1_biases
  7. Save your weights to a new .caffemodel file:



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