首页 \ 问答 \ extjs 4.1.1 - 本地数据的网格分页(extjs 4.1.1 - Pagination in grid on local data)

extjs 4.1.1 - 本地数据的网格分页(extjs 4.1.1 - Pagination in grid on local data)

我对extjs比较陌生。 我遇到了一个我无法解决的问题。 我一直在网上搜索但无法找到答案。 感谢任何帮助。

在我的代码中,我试图为网格上显示的数据添加分页。 代码对服务器进行ajax调用以获取数据。 服务器发送的数据超出了需要。 因此,客户端提取响应文本(json)的一部分,并将其显示在网格面板中。

网格显示数据正常。 但是分页不起作用。 它总是显示“0页0”和“无数据显示”。

但是,如果我用硬编码数据替换数据,并使用硬编码数据创建存储和网格,则分页有效。 因此,在创建商店和网格时,我似乎已经拥有了数据。

这是简化的代码。 使用myStore1 / myData1(硬编码数据)时,分页工作。 将myStore1和myData1替换为从服务器检索数据后加载的myStore2和myData2,分页不起作用。


     enabled: true

Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', 'ext-4.1.1/examples/ux');

    name: 'MS GUI',
    launch: function() {

function main() {

  itemsPerPage = 2;

  // hardcoded data
  myData1 =  [{'xxx':'a1','yyy':'b1','zzz':'c1'},

  // data to be loaded after the ajax call
  myData2 = [];

  // define model
  Ext.define('QueryResultModel', {
  extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
  fields: [
    {name: 'xxx', type: 'string'},
    {name: 'yyy', type: 'string'},
    {name: 'zzz', type: 'string'}

  // define store1
  myStore1 = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
  model: 'QueryResultModel',
  storeId: 'QueryResultStore1',
  autoLoad: false,
  pageSize: itemsPerPage, 
  data: myData,    // *** use hardcoded data here, and paging works ***
  proxy : {
    type: 'pagingmemory'

  // define store2
  myStore2 = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
  model: 'QueryResultMode',
  storeId: 'QueryResultStore2',
  autoLoad: false,
  pageSize: itemsPerPage, 
  data: {},         // *** empty data here, and once data loaded, paging does not work ****
  proxy : {
    type: 'pagingmemory'

function createGrid(){
   return Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
         title: 'Query Result',
         store: myStore1, // *** hardcoded data
         columns: [
            {text: 'XXX' dataIndex: 'xxx'},
            {text: 'YYY' dataIndex: 'yyy'},
            {text: 'ZZZ' dataIndex: 'zzz'}  
         dockedItem : [{
            xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
            id: 'pagingBar_id',
            store : myStore1,  // *** use hardcoded data - paging works
            displayInfo: true,
            displayMsg: 'Displaying records {0} - {1} of {2}',
            displayMsg: "No data to display"


myContainer = Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
   id: 'mainPanel_id',
   layout: { type: 'border', padding: 5},
   renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
   items: [{
      region: 'north',
      title: 'Whatever Title Here',
      collapsible: true,
      autoHeight: true,
      // *** other congig params here       
          region: 'west',
          title: 'Query Input',   
          // other config params here

          buttons : [
               text : 'Submit',
               id: 'submit_btn',
               listeners : { click: function(){ sendQuery();}
               text : 'Reset',
               // other config parems here
          region: 'center',
          xtype:  'tabpanel',
          autoScroll: true,
          layout: 'fit',
          items : [ createGrid()]

       // other config for other regions here

 function sendQuery() {
   // code here to make the ajax call to the server and
   // retrive the data, if success
   // load response date into myData2
   // note: the grid and pagingtoolbar are pointing to myStore2 (by replacing the myStore1)
   myStore2.loadData(myData2, false);

   // after the sendQuery() call, the paging tool bar still shows no data... while the grid is populated with 

   // none of the followings works:
   // Ext.getCmp('pagingBar_id').doRefresh();
   // Ext.getCmp('pagingBar_id').getStore().load();
   // myStore2.load({params: {start:0}});   


I am relatively new to extjs. I am facing a problem that I can not resolve. I have been searching online but unable to find the answer. Appreciate any help.

In my code, I am trying to add pagination to the data displayed on the grid. The code makes an ajax call to the server to get the data. The server sends more data than needed. So the client extracts the portion of the response text (json), and displays it in a grid panel.

The grid displays the data fine. But the pagination is not working. It always shows "page 0 of 0" and "No data to display".

But if I substitute the data with hardcoded data, and create the store and grid with the hardcoded data, the pagination works. So it seems like I must already have the data when the store and the grid are being created.

Here's the simplified code. When using myStore1/myData1 (hardcoded data), paging works. Replacing myStore1 and myData1 with myStore2 and myData2, which is loaded after data is retrieved from the server, paging does not work.

All the examples I see online deals with hardcoded data...Appreciate for any insight or pointer.

     enabled: true

Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', 'ext-4.1.1/examples/ux');

    name: 'MS GUI',
    launch: function() {

function main() {

  itemsPerPage = 2;

  // hardcoded data
  myData1 =  [{'xxx':'a1','yyy':'b1','zzz':'c1'},

  // data to be loaded after the ajax call
  myData2 = [];

  // define model
  Ext.define('QueryResultModel', {
  extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
  fields: [
    {name: 'xxx', type: 'string'},
    {name: 'yyy', type: 'string'},
    {name: 'zzz', type: 'string'}

  // define store1
  myStore1 = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
  model: 'QueryResultModel',
  storeId: 'QueryResultStore1',
  autoLoad: false,
  pageSize: itemsPerPage, 
  data: myData,    // *** use hardcoded data here, and paging works ***
  proxy : {
    type: 'pagingmemory'

  // define store2
  myStore2 = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
  model: 'QueryResultMode',
  storeId: 'QueryResultStore2',
  autoLoad: false,
  pageSize: itemsPerPage, 
  data: {},         // *** empty data here, and once data loaded, paging does not work ****
  proxy : {
    type: 'pagingmemory'

function createGrid(){
   return Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
         title: 'Query Result',
         store: myStore1, // *** hardcoded data
         columns: [
            {text: 'XXX' dataIndex: 'xxx'},
            {text: 'YYY' dataIndex: 'yyy'},
            {text: 'ZZZ' dataIndex: 'zzz'}  
         dockedItem : [{
            xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
            id: 'pagingBar_id',
            store : myStore1,  // *** use hardcoded data - paging works
            displayInfo: true,
            displayMsg: 'Displaying records {0} - {1} of {2}',
            displayMsg: "No data to display"


myContainer = Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
   id: 'mainPanel_id',
   layout: { type: 'border', padding: 5},
   renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
   items: [{
      region: 'north',
      title: 'Whatever Title Here',
      collapsible: true,
      autoHeight: true,
      // *** other congig params here       
          region: 'west',
          title: 'Query Input',   
          // other config params here

          buttons : [
               text : 'Submit',
               id: 'submit_btn',
               listeners : { click: function(){ sendQuery();}
               text : 'Reset',
               // other config parems here
          region: 'center',
          xtype:  'tabpanel',
          autoScroll: true,
          layout: 'fit',
          items : [ createGrid()]

       // other config for other regions here

 function sendQuery() {
   // code here to make the ajax call to the server and
   // retrive the data, if success
   // load response date into myData2
   // note: the grid and pagingtoolbar are pointing to myStore2 (by replacing the myStore1)
   myStore2.loadData(myData2, false);

   // after the sendQuery() call, the paging tool bar still shows no data... while the grid is populated with 

   // none of the followings works:
   // Ext.getCmp('pagingBar_id').doRefresh();
   // Ext.getCmp('pagingBar_id').getStore().load();
   // myStore2.load({params: {start:0}});   


更新时间:2023-08-26 16:08


您对容器所做的更改包括:添加诸如电子邮件服务器之类的新软件包,添加vi / nano或其他软件包不会持久化 ,这意味着每次停止启动容器 ,所做的更改都将丢失 ,您将不得不重新 - 它。


FROM "sameersbn/redmine:3.4.2"


RUN apt-get update && apt-get install xyz



docker build -t my_new_image:1.0.0 .



最后,每次一个好的解决方案使用docker-compose文件时 ,必须始终传递ENV变量,该文件将包含运行容器的所有内容。


The changes you make to a container such as: adding new packages like a email server, adding vi / nano or other packages would not be persistent which means each time you stop and start the container your changes would be lost and you would have to re-do it.

To make them persistent you would have to create a Dockerfile and in there you can specify the FROM directive such as:

FROM "sameersbn/redmine:3.4.2"

and inside this Dockerfile you would have to specify your additional packages such as:

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install xyz

Which will install the required package(s)

Then you would have to build the images:

docker build -t my_new_image:1.0.0 .

Which will create a new image with the desired packages installed, so you wouldn't lose them.

Also, you could add your HTML files by using the COPY or ADD commands or as you are doing currently using VOLUMES

Lastly, to do have to always pass the ENV variables each time a good solution would be using a docker-compose file which will contain everything to run the container.

Hope this helps.


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