首页 \ 问答 \ ember.js不会{{bindAttr}}


我试图使用{{bindAttr}}和输入字段的[viewName] .elementId将标签链接到输入字段。 它在单个条目视图中工作,但不是在显示多条记录时:它只是将标签链接到集合中的最后一个输入字段。 (这个过去在以前的迭代中使用了一个较旧的内部函数库,但现在它没有。)我创建了一个小提琴,但它的要点是:

{{#each controller}}
        <label {{bindAttr for="view.tbFullName.elementId"}}>Full Name</label>
        {{view App.DetailTextField viewName="tbFullName" placeholder="Full Name" valueBinding="fullName" readonly="readonly"}}                              

我想也许我可以创建一个collectionView并为viewName创建一个计算属性,它将为集合中的每个项目生成一个唯一的ID, 这里提到的另一个问题就是提到的。 但是,这样做太复杂了 - 只要用户点击相应的标签,我就可以让输入字段自己突出显示。


I'm trying to link a label to an input field using the {{bindAttr}} and the input field's [viewName].elementId. It works on a single entry view, but not when there are several records being displayed: it just links the label to the last input field in the collection. (This used to work in a previous iteration using an older ember library but now it doesnt.) I've created a fiddle but the gist of it is:

{{#each controller}}
        <label {{bindAttr for="view.tbFullName.elementId"}}>Full Name</label>
        {{view App.DetailTextField viewName="tbFullName" placeholder="Full Name" valueBinding="fullName" readonly="readonly"}}                              

I thought maybe I could create a collectionView and create a calculated property for viewName which would generate a unique ID for each item in the collection, sort of mentioned in answer to another problem here. But that is getting WAY too complicated - just so that I can have the input field highlight itself if the user clicks on the corresponding label.

Any help appreciated.

更新时间:2024-01-25 21:01



    // Aircraft

    foreach (var aircraft in result.Trips.Data.Aircraft)
        Response.Output.Write("<li>" + aircraft.Name + " " + aircraft.Code + "</li>");



  <li>Airbus 123456</li>
  <li>Airbus 123456</li>
  <li>Airbus 123456</li>
  <li>Airbus 123456</li>



    // Aircraft
    foreach (var aircraft in result.Trips.Data.Aircraft)
        Label1.Text += aircraft.Name + aircraft.Code;

You could do

    // Aircraft

    foreach (var aircraft in result.Trips.Data.Aircraft)
        Response.Output.Write("<li>" + aircraft.Name + " " + aircraft.Code + "</li>");


which would give something like

  <li>Airbus 123456</li>
  <li>Airbus 123456</li>
  <li>Airbus 123456</li>
  <li>Airbus 123456</li>

Updated based on comment

Or like this using Label1.Text

    // Aircraft
    foreach (var aircraft in result.Trips.Data.Aircraft)
        Label1.Text += aircraft.Name + aircraft.Code;


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