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在Eclipse上运行SolrJ(Running SolrJ on Eclipse)


但是,当我尝试使用“运行方式” - >“Java应用程序”运行代码时,它返回时显示“选择不包含主类型”的错误。 但我发现代码中有一个主要方法,它已经被添加到我在Eclipse中的代码中。 除了路径名和文档名之外,我的eclipse与示例的代码相同。


I'm trying to setup a SolrJ using Eclipse by following the example in http://lucidworks.com/blog/indexing-with-solrj/

However, when I try to run the code using Run As -> Java Application, it came back with an error saying that 'Selection does not contain a main type'. But I see that that there's a main method in the code, and it has already been added to my code in Eclipse. My eclipse has got the same code as the example, except for the path name and document name.

Is there any thing required that I missed out in order for the code to run successfully in Eclipse?

更新时间:2023-09-20 06:09



If you can get the handle of the originating process, you can use DuplicateHandle() to create a handle to any kernel object within that process that you have access to.


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