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从堆栈中的类获取泛型参数(Getting generic arguments from a class in the stack)

我有一个名为Repository的泛型类。 该类有一个函数,通过使用不同的泛型参数初始化Repository类的新实例来“调用自身”。 这个“递归”可以继续 - 所以为了避免StackOverflowException,我需要检查堆栈中是否存在一个从Repository类调用的具有相同泛型参数的方法。 这是我的代码:

    StackTrace stack = new StackTrace();
    StackFrame[] frames = stack.GetFrames();

    foreach (StackFrame frame in frames)
        Type callingMethodClassType = frame.GetMethod().DeclaringType;
        if (callingMethodClassType.IsGenericType)
            // BUG HERE in getting generic arguments of the class in stack
            Type genericType = callingMethodClassType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
            if (genericType.Equals(entityType))
                wasAlready = true;

泛型类型始终返回为T而不是正确的类型,如“User”或“Employee”(例如)。 我无法比较类型的名称,因为T没有名称。

I have a generic class called Repository. This class has a function that "calls itself" by initializing a new instance of the Repository class with a different generic argument. This "recursion" can go on - so to avoid StackOverflowException, i need to check if there is in the stack, a method called from the Repository class with the same generic argument. here is my code:

    StackTrace stack = new StackTrace();
    StackFrame[] frames = stack.GetFrames();

    foreach (StackFrame frame in frames)
        Type callingMethodClassType = frame.GetMethod().DeclaringType;
        if (callingMethodClassType.IsGenericType)
            // BUG HERE in getting generic arguments of the class in stack
            Type genericType = callingMethodClassType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
            if (genericType.Equals(entityType))
                wasAlready = true;

the generic type always returns as T and not the correct type like "User" or "Employee" (for example). I can't compare the names of the types because T does not have a name.

更新时间:2022-02-13 16:02


.blur()按照您所期望的选定倍数工作。 如果它不适合你,你的代码中必须有某种错误。


.blur() works as you would expect on select multiples. If it's not functioning for you, you must have some sort of error in your code.

If you post your code, someone might be able to help you, but for the moment, all I can say is that .blur() is the way to go.


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