首页 \ 问答 \ 每当调用PartialView时,确保视图控制器方法获取最新的图表数据(Ensuring view controller method to get latest chart data is called whenever PartialView called)

每当调用PartialView时,确保视图控制器方法获取最新的图表数据(Ensuring view controller method to get latest chart data is called whenever PartialView called)

我在Web.Helpers中使用Chart来呈现视图的图形。 这个视图的数据集可以通过类型区分为子集,并且该视图允许用户选择类型。


<img src="/MyController/MyChart" />


public void MyChart()
  ChartSeries[] data = GetChartData(new string[] { _curChartDataType });
var chart =
                new Chart(500, 200, ChartTheme.Green);

                    for (int i=0; i<data.Length; i++) {
                        title += data[i].name + " ";
                        chart.AddSeries(name: data[i].name, chartType: "Line",                                                       
                           xValue: data[i].xValue, xField: data[i].xField,                
                           yValues: data[i].yValues, yFields: data[i].yFields);   

public ActionResult ObjectList()
            // irrelevant code removed

            return PartialView("_Chart");

在父视图的cshtml中,我使用jquery来捕获用户对类型选择的更改,并调用ajax中的MyController / ObjectList调用。

第一次加载视图时,图形正确呈现。 但是,用户调用的类型更改会导致后续对ObjectList的调用(如预期的那样),但MyChart()在第一次后再也不会被调用。

任何我应该做的事情来确保MyChart()每次调用PartialView(“_ Chart”)时都会被调用? 任何建议感激。

I am using Chart in Web.Helpers to render graphs for a view. The data set for this view can be distinguished by type into subsets, and the view allows the user to select a type.

My razor view containing this graph (_Chart.schtml) is simply:

<img src="/MyController/MyChart" />

The controller code (simplified)

public void MyChart()
  ChartSeries[] data = GetChartData(new string[] { _curChartDataType });
var chart =
                new Chart(500, 200, ChartTheme.Green);

                    for (int i=0; i<data.Length; i++) {
                        title += data[i].name + " ";
                        chart.AddSeries(name: data[i].name, chartType: "Line",                                                       
                           xValue: data[i].xValue, xField: data[i].xField,                
                           yValues: data[i].yValues, yFields: data[i].yFields);   

public ActionResult ObjectList()
            // irrelevant code removed

            return PartialView("_Chart");

In the parent view's cshtml, I use jquery to catch the user's change in type selection and invoke the call to MyController/ObjectList in ajax.

The graph renders properly when the view is first loaded. However, the user-invoked type changes result in a subsequent call to ObjectList (as expected), but MyChart() never gets called again after the first time.

Anything I should do to ensure MyChart() gets called again whenever PartialView("_Chart") is called? Any suggestions appreciated.

更新时间:2021-08-28 11:08



是的,转换运营商不常使用。 我见过的地方是用户定义的类型,可以降级为内置类型。 像支持从原子数类型转换到/从原子数类型的固定精度数字类。


据我所知,它是。 他们永远处于标准之中。


是的,这是构造函数的特点之一。 一个构造函数能够有效地创建一个从参数类型到类的类型的转换运算符。 例如,像这样的一个类:

class Foo {
    Foo(int n) {
        // do stuff...


Foo f = 123;

如果你之前使用过std::string ,那么你已经使用了这个特性而没有意识到它。 (顺便说一句,如果要防止这种行为,请使用explicit声明任何单参数构造explicit 。)

Is this a particularly obscure feature?

Yes, conversion operators aren't used very often. The places I've seen them are for user-defined types that can degrade to built-in ones. Things like a fixed-precision number class that supports converting to/from atomic number types.

Is this relatively portable?

As far as I know, it is. They've been in the standard forever.

Can user-defined conversions to user defined types be done?

Yes, that's one of the features of constructors. A constructor that takes a single argument effectively creates a conversion operator from the argument type to your class's type. For example, a class like this:

class Foo {
    Foo(int n) {
        // do stuff...

Let's you do:

Foo f = 123;

If you've used std::string before, odds are you've used this feature without realizing it. (As an aside, if you want to prevent this behavior, declare any single-argument constructors using explicit.)


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