首页 \ 问答 \ 如何动态实现代理模式?(How do I dynamically implement the Proxy Pattern?)

如何动态实现代理模式?(How do I dynamically implement the Proxy Pattern?)

我正在重新审视我去年写的班级跟踪(脏逻辑)。 目前我有一个处理所有状态跟踪的超级基类,但是我需要跟踪的每个属性需要遵循标准get { return _x; } set { _isDirty = true; _x = value; } get { return _x; } set { _isDirty = true; _x = value; } 工作方式。

在使用Entity Framework并阅读代理模式之后 ,我希望有更好的方法来实现我的IsDIrty Logic,同时能够利用自动实现的属性?

说实话,我不知道我在说什么。 有没有办法可以做如下的事情:

public class Customer : ITrackable
    [TrackState(true)] // My own attribute
    public virtual string Name { get;set;}

    public virtual  int Age { get;set;}

    // From ITrackable
    public bool IsDirty { get; protected set; }




public class CustomerProxy : Customer
    Customer _customer;

    public override string Name 
        get { return _customer.Name; }
        set { IsDirty = true; return _customer.Name; }

    // Other properties

但我不想为每个对象做这个,否则我现有的解决方案没有任何好处。 希望有人能满足我的好奇心,或者至少告诉我EF如何实现它。

I'm revisiting my class tracking (dirty logic), which I wrote last year. Currently I have an uber base class that deals with all the state tracking, but each property whos values I need to track needs to stick to the standard get { return _x; } set { _isDirty = true; _x = value; } way of working.

After playing with Entity Framework and reading up on the Proxy Pattern, I was hoping there was a nicer way to implement my IsDIrty Logic whilst being able to make use of auto implemented properties?

To be completely honest, I haven't a clue of what I'm talking about. Is there a way I can do something like the following:

public class Customer : ITrackable
    [TrackState(true)] // My own attribute
    public virtual string Name { get;set;}

    public virtual  int Age { get;set;}

    // From ITrackable
    public bool IsDirty { get; protected set; }


And then implement a dynamic proxy which will use reflection (or another magical solution) to call another method first before setting the values on the properties with the TrackState attribute.

Obviously I could easily do this by creating a phyiscal proxy class and use IoC:

public class CustomerProxy : Customer
    Customer _customer;

    public override string Name 
        get { return _customer.Name; }
        set { IsDirty = true; return _customer.Name; }

    // Other properties

But I don't fancy having to do this for every object, otherwise there's no benefit from my existing solution. Hope someone can satisfy my curiosity, or at least tell me how EF achieves it.

更新时间:2021-10-06 21:10



AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord录制音频的类别; 此类别使播放音频静音。

这是您正在使用的唯一音频会话类别,并且您在开始尝试播放AVAudioPlayer时就设置它,因此您自然无法听到任何声音。 你需要考虑更多关于灵活和正确的音频会话。 如果您想播放声音然后开始录制,请使用播放类别播放声音,并且在被告知(通过AVAudioPlayerDelegate)声音结束之前不要开始录制。

The docs say:

AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord The category for recording audio; this category silences playback audio.

That is the only audio session category you are using, and you are setting it as soon as you start trying to play your AVAudioPlayer, so naturally you cannot hear anything. You need to think some more about being nimble and correct with your audio session. If you want to play a sound and then start recording, use a Playback category for playing the sound, and don't start recording until you are told (through the AVAudioPlayerDelegate) that the sound is finished.


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