首页 \ 问答 \ 使用django-social-auth(omab)自动刷新访问令牌(Automatically refresh access token with django-social-auth (omab))

使用django-social-auth(omab)自动刷新访问令牌(Automatically refresh access token with django-social-auth (omab))

我目前正在使用django-social-auth管理oauth2注册google-oauth2以访问Google云端硬盘。 我已经添加了对extra_arguments的离线访问。 因此,Google会返回刷新令牌,并由django-social-auth存储。 问题是django-social-auth从不使用此刷新令牌来更新访问令牌。 因此,访问令牌在一小时后过期,我无法使用它来执行脱机请求。 我想保持access_token有效24/7有效,这样我就可以让我的数据库与每个用户Google Drive同步。

GOOGLE_OAUTH2_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {'access_type':'offline'}
GOOGLE_OAUTH_EXTRA_SCOPE = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile']

SOCIAL_AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'accounts.GoogleDriveUser'

有没有办法强制django-social auth在每次使用refresh_token到期时更新access_token。 我很想看到如何解决这个问题的一个例子。

I am currently using django-social-auth to manage oauth2 registration with google-oauth2 for access to Google Drive. I have added offline access to my extra_arguments. Therefore Google returns a refresh token and it is stored by django-social-auth. The problem is that django-social-auth never uses this refresh token to update the access token. Therefore the access token expires after one hour, and I can't use it to perform offline requests. I want to keep the access_token valid 24/7 so I can keep my database synced with each users Google Drive.

GOOGLE_OAUTH2_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {'access_type':'offline'}
GOOGLE_OAUTH_EXTRA_SCOPE = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile']

SOCIAL_AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'accounts.GoogleDriveUser'

Is there a way to force django-social auth to update the access_token every time it expires using the refresh_token. I would love to see an example of how this problem could be solved.

更新时间:2023-07-19 21:07



class foo1
        //use initializer lists to avoid extra copying
        foo1() : a("text") 

        //change return type from void to a const reference to string
        const string & getString()
            return a;
        string a;

class foo2
        //use initializer lists to avoid extra copying
        foo2() : boo3() 
        class foo3
                //use initializer lists to avoid extra copying
                foo3() : boo1()

                //you need a function that will allow access to the private member. Returning a const reference avoids extra copying
                const foo1 & boo()
                    return boo1;

                foo1 boo1;

        //you need a function that will allow access to the private member
        const foo3 & foo()
            return boo3;
    //you need to save the foo3 object in the class to be able to use it later
        foo3 boo3;

int main()
    foo2 object;
    cout << object.foo().boo().getString();


    cout << object.foo().boo().getString();
            \__________/ \___/ \_________/
                 ^         ^        ^---- get the string from the foo1 object
                 |         |---- get the foo1 object from the foo3 object
                 |---- get the foo3 object stored in "object"

There are multiple issues with the code, I'll explain them with code comments

class foo1
        //use initializer lists to avoid extra copying
        foo1() : a("text") 

        //change return type from void to a const reference to string
        const string & getString()
            return a;
        string a;

class foo2
        //use initializer lists to avoid extra copying
        foo2() : boo3() 
        class foo3
                //use initializer lists to avoid extra copying
                foo3() : boo1()

                //you need a function that will allow access to the private member. Returning a const reference avoids extra copying
                const foo1 & boo()
                    return boo1;

                foo1 boo1;

        //you need a function that will allow access to the private member
        const foo3 & foo()
            return boo3;
    //you need to save the foo3 object in the class to be able to use it later
        foo3 boo3;

int main()
    foo2 object;
    cout << object.foo().boo().getString();

Now this is how you access the string:

    cout << object.foo().boo().getString();
            \__________/ \___/ \_________/
                 ^         ^        ^---- get the string from the foo1 object
                 |         |---- get the foo1 object from the foo3 object
                 |---- get the foo3 object stored in "object"


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