首页 \ 问答 \ 在django管理页面中,某些表不在可用权限列表中(In django admin page, some table are not in the available permission list)

在django管理页面中,某些表不在可用权限列表中(In django admin page, some table are not in the available permission list)

我的超级用户可以正确编辑所有表和auth用户/组。 我想设置一些功能较少的用户,他们只能编辑一些表。 但我发现并非所有表都列在可用的权限列表中。 任何想法?

My super user can edit all tables and auth user/group correctly. I would like to setup some less power user, who can only edit some tables. but i found not all tables are listed in the available permission list. Any idea?

更新时间:2023-01-21 06:01



url: '@Html.Raw(pin.Globo.Url)',

OK, here you should unescape with Html.Raw :

url: '@Html.Raw(pin.Globo.Url)',


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