首页 \ 问答 \ 如何从单个文件描述符中分配多个MMAP?(How would I assign multiple MMAP's from single file descriptor?)

如何从单个文件描述符中分配多个MMAP?(How would I assign multiple MMAP's from single file descriptor?)

因此,对于我的最后一年项目,我使用Video4Linux2从相机中提取YUV420图像,将它们解析为x264(本机使用这些图像),然后通过Live555将编码流发送到符合RTP / RTCP的视频播放器通过无线网络在客户端上。 所有这些我都试图实时进行,所以会有一个控制算法,但这不是这个问题的范围。 所有这些 - 除了Live555 - 都是用C语言编写的。目前,我已接近编码视频的结尾,但希望提高性能。

至少可以说,我遇到了麻烦......我正在尝试避免使用V4L2的用户空间指针并使用mmap()。 我正在对视频进行编码,但由于它是YUV420,我一直在使用新的存储器将Y',U和V平面保存在三个不同的变量中,以供x264读取。 我想将这些变量作为指向mmap内存的指针。


buffers[n_buffers].y_plane = mmap(NULL, (2 * width * height) / 3,
                                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                                    fd, buf.m.offset);
buffers[n_buffers].u_plane = mmap(NULL, width * height / 6,
                                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                                    fd, buf.m.offset +
                                    ((2 * width * height) / 3 + 1) /
buffers[n_buffers].v_plane = mmap(NULL, width * height / 6,
                                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                                    fd, buf.m.offset +
                                    ((2 * width * height) / 3 + 
                                    width * height / 6 + 1) / 


根据我的理解...... MMAP寻找一个文件,有点像这样(伪代码):

fd = v4l2_open(...);
lseek(fd, buf.m.offset + (2 * width * height) / 3);
read(fd, buffers[n_buffers].u_plane, width * height / 6);

我的代码位于Launchpad Repo(更多背景信息): http//bazaar.launchpad.net/~alex-stevens/+junk/spyPanda/files (Revision 11)

从这个Wiki插图中可以清楚地看到YUV420格式: http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FileYuv420.svg (我基本上想要将Y,U和V字节分成每个mmap'ed记忆)

有人想解释一种方法,从一个文件描述符中将三个变量映射到内存,或者为什么我出错? 或者甚至暗示将YUV420缓冲区解析为x264更好的主意? :P

干杯! ^^

So, for my final year project, I'm using Video4Linux2 to pull YUV420 images from a camera, parse them through to x264 (which uses these images natively), and then send the encoded stream via Live555 to an RTP/RTCP compliant video player on a client over a wireless network. All of this I'm trying to do in real-time, so there'll be a control algorithm, but that's not the scope of this question. All of this - except Live555 - is being written in C. Currently, I'm near the end of encoding the video, but want to improve performance.

To say the least, I've hit a snag... I'm trying to avoid User Space Pointers for V4L2 and use mmap(). I'm encoding video, but since it's YUV420, I've been malloc'ing new memory to hold the Y', U and V planes in three different variables for x264 to read upon. I would like to keep these variables as pointers to an mmap'ed piece of memory.

However, the V4L2 device has one single file descriptor for the buffered stream, and I need to split the stream into three mmap'ed variables adhering to the YUV420 standard, like so...

buffers[n_buffers].y_plane = mmap(NULL, (2 * width * height) / 3,
                                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                                    fd, buf.m.offset);
buffers[n_buffers].u_plane = mmap(NULL, width * height / 6,
                                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                                    fd, buf.m.offset +
                                    ((2 * width * height) / 3 + 1) /
buffers[n_buffers].v_plane = mmap(NULL, width * height / 6,
                                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                                    fd, buf.m.offset +
                                    ((2 * width * height) / 3 + 
                                    width * height / 6 + 1) / 

Where "width" and "height" is the resolution of the video (eg. 640x480).

From what I understand... MMAP seeks through a file, kind of like this (pseudoish-code):

fd = v4l2_open(...);
lseek(fd, buf.m.offset + (2 * width * height) / 3);
read(fd, buffers[n_buffers].u_plane, width * height / 6);

My code is located in a Launchpad Repo here (for more background): http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~alex-stevens/+junk/spyPanda/files (Revision 11)

And the YUV420 format can be seen clearly from this Wiki illustration: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Yuv420.svg (I essentially want to split up the Y, U, and V bytes into each mmap'ed memory)

Anyone care to explain a way to mmap three variables to memory from the one file descriptor, or why I went wrong? Or even hint at a better idea to parse the YUV420 buffer to x264? :P

Cheers! ^^

更新时间:2023-04-26 21:04


所以你的问题是,如何正确调用你的SaveImage(Bitmap finalBitmap)方法,对吧? 因为你的SaveImage方法获得一个Bitmap作为参数,你需要发送一个Bitmap作为参数。


String root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString();
Bitmap bMap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(root + "/Movies/myimage.png");

So your question is, how to properly call your SaveImage(Bitmap finalBitmap) method, right ? as your SaveImage method get a Bitmap as parameter you need to send it a Bitmap as parameter.

You can use BitmapFactory to create a Bitmap object from your file and send this Bitmap object to your SaveImage method :

String root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString();
Bitmap bMap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(root + "/Movies/myimage.png");


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