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更新时间:2023-04-27 09:04



岁月的流逝,谁也无法挽留,可是心情呢,是不是掌握在自己手中,是否还要让自己的心情每天都灰溜溜地一片黯然? 若,换一种心情,在这个春天里,说不定我们会活出和以前不一样的精彩呢。 ——题记 你是不是感觉到了,春,惦着脚尖,在轻轻悄悄地向你我走来? 那是从耳旁悄然滑过的风儿,细细地,柔柔地,就像儿时母亲轻轻拍你入睡时唱的歌谣,紧张疲惫的身心在顷刻间会归入平静。 那是映入你眼帘的一袭绿,没有漫山遍野,轻巧地就触及到了内心的最深处。或许只有这一种颜色,才能让我们在寂寞无助时也能敞开心怀惬意地呼吸。 那是孩童巷口笑闹的追逐,这个季节,这样的年龄,就恣意无拘束地放纵率真的天性吧,投向他们的,除了艳羡的目光说不出还有什么。 是的,寒冬已过,伴随纠缠着的苦闷心情是不是也要远远地离开?想想就兴奋,期待了多时的俏丽春天,真的就这样轻盈地来到眼前了吗? 我这个人就是这样,一到春天,心情就感到格外的轻松。看见春天,如同见到了儿时的玩伴。惜的是,岁月依然轮回,尘世却已沧桑,这个“玩伴”依旧生机盎然容颜未老,而自己先自入秋。 不经意间的青春易逝,舍与不舍,来来往往。In the spring, the flowers will still open to the author: the king of the wind source: time: 2013-04-08 read: 1687 online submission
The passage of time, who is also unable to retain, but the mood, is not the master in their own hands, whether it should let his mood every day are dingy in a sadly? If, for a kind of mood, in this spring, maybe we will live out and not the same as before the wonderful. Preface if you feeling, spring dianzhao toe, gently quietly I came to you? It is from the ear quietly glide wind and thin, softly, like a。yanjiang。com。cn。 child mother pat you to sleep singing ballads and nervous exhaustion of body and mind in an instant will belong to calm. That is the thing you can see a green light, not all over the mountains and plains, touched the depths of the heart. Perhaps only this kind of color, can let us in lonely helpless when also can open the heart to breathe comfortably. The children of the alley laugh trouble in the chase, this season, age, wanton unrestrained indulgence uninhibited nature, to invest in their, in addition to the envious eyes say what. Yes, the winter has passed, with the entanglement of the depressed mood is not to go far away? It is exciting, looking for beautiful spring, really so lightly to the front? I this person is like this, one to the spring, the mood is very relaxed. See spring, like to see a childhood playmate. Pity is that age is still cycle, earth has the vicissitudes of life, this "playmate" still vibrant appearance not old, and their first autumn. Inadvertently youth, shed and shed, to and fro.


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