首页 \ 问答 \ 基于来自单独数据库的ID更新表(Updating table based on IDs from seperate database)

基于来自单独数据库的ID更新表(Updating table based on IDs from seperate database)


UPDATE `table_1` 
SET `DATABASE_1`.`table_1`.`ID_1`= `DATABASE_2`.`table_2`.`ID_2`
WHERE `DATABASE_1`.`table_1`.`ID_1` = `DATABASE_2`.`table_2`.`DealerID`

以上是我正在考虑的声明类型。 这是结构


    ID_2            ID_3
    10              1               
    20              2
    30              3
    40              4
    50              5

我想我需要以某种方式加入这些...或将列添加到table_1上并进行更改。 我很难加入,到目前为止,我有

SELECT ID_2 , ID_3 FROM DATABASE_2.table_2 t2 JOIN DATABASE_1.ID_1 t2 ON t1.ID_1 = t2.ID_3


I need to switch ID_1 from DATABASE_1 to ID_2 from ID_2 from DATABASE_2 where DATABASE_1.ID_1 = DATABASE_2.ID_3

UPDATE `table_1` 
SET `DATABASE_1`.`table_1`.`ID_1`= `DATABASE_2`.`table_2`.`ID_2`
WHERE `DATABASE_1`.`table_1`.`ID_1` = `DATABASE_2`.`table_2`.`DealerID`

Above is the type of statement I was thinking of. Here is the structure


    ID_2            ID_3
    10              1               
    20              2
    30              3
    40              4
    50              5

I think I need to JOIN these somehow... or add columns onto table_1 and alter them. I am bad at joining, and so far I have

SELECT ID_2 , ID_3 FROM DATABASE_2.table_2 t2 JOIN DATABASE_1.ID_1 t2 ON t1.ID_1 = t2.ID_3

but that doesn't update it...

更新时间:2023-03-07 11:03


在你的相机上有一个静态宽度是完全可以的,因为它给你的游戏一个固定的维度,你可以可靠地工作。 这是有效的,因为相机用于定义世界坐标,这些坐标并不总是与屏幕坐标一对一。

您的问题来自固定的相机高度。 具有固定高度将导致屏幕伸展得更高或更短,具体取决于设备屏幕的纵横比。 如果您想考虑不同的长宽比,则需要将显示比例乘以相机高度(当前为480)。 您可以通过将高度除以宽度除以高度来获得屏幕比例。 这看起来像是这样的:

float width = Gdx.graphics.getWidth();
float height = Gdx.graphics.getHeight();

OrthographicCamera camera = new OrthographicCamera(800, 480 * (height / width));

正如BennX在评论中指出的那样,LibGDX引入了视口,它允许你以不同的方式完成与上面相同的事情。 为了达到与上面概述的效果相同的效果,只需使用视口,就可以使用ExtendViewport 。 这样做是为了在一个方向上保持世界尺寸,同时在另一个方向上拉伸它。 因此,世界将首先扩大以填充屏幕,然后在保持纵横比的同时扩展较短的尺寸。 要创建这种类型的视口,它看起来像这样:

OrthographicCamera camera = new OrthographicCamera(800, 480);
ExtendViewport viewport = new ExtendViewport(800, 480, camera);

上面的视口的最小宽度为800,最小高度为480.在应用视口后,其中一个值将相同,另一个值将根据屏幕的高宽比进行更改。 更窄的屏幕将具有更多的垂直空间,而更宽的屏幕将具有更多的水平空间。 有关视口的更多信息,请访问LibGDX wiki页面。

Having a static width on your camera is perfectly ok as it gives your game a single fixed dimension that you can work with reliably. This works because the camera is used to define world coordinates which are not always one to one with screen coordinates.

Your issues come from the fixed camera height. Having a fixed height will cause your screen to stretch taller or shorter depending on the aspect ratio of the device screen. If you want to account for the different aspect ratios, you'll need to multiply your camera height (currently 480) by the display ratio. You can get the screen ratio by dividing the height by the width by the height. This would look something like:

float width = Gdx.graphics.getWidth();
float height = Gdx.graphics.getHeight();

OrthographicCamera camera = new OrthographicCamera(800, 480 * (height / width));

As pointed out by BennX in the comments, LibGDX introduced viewports which allow you do very much the same thing as above, just in a different way. To achieve the same effect as I outlined above, only using a viewport, you'd use an ExtendViewport. What this does is maintain the world size in one direction while stretching it in the other direction. So the world will first scale up to fill the screen, then the shorter dimension is expanded while maintaining aspect ratio. To create this type of viewport, it'd look something like this:

OrthographicCamera camera = new OrthographicCamera(800, 480);
ExtendViewport viewport = new ExtendViewport(800, 480, camera);

The viewport above will have a minimum width of 800 and a minimum height of 480. One of these values will be the same after the viewport is applied and the other will change based on the aspect ratio of the screen. More narrow screens will have more vertical space while wider screens will have more horizontal space. For more on viewports, visit the LibGDX wiki page here.


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