首页 \ 问答 \ 使用&中间打开文件 - Mac终端(Opening a file with an & in the middle — Mac Terminal)

使用&中间打开文件 - Mac终端(Opening a file with an & in the middle — Mac Terminal)

这只是令人抓狂 - 我的文件中间有一个&符号。 当我的python脚本打开它时,&符号作为命令结束字符或其他东西....

谁能告诉我如何解决这个问题? 或者更好的是,我很想知道在哪里查找终端所有这些特殊字符的列表。


- 一个mac noob

This is just maddening--I have a file with an & sign in the middle of it. When my python script went to open it, the & sign acted as an end of command character or something....

Can anyone tell me how to get around this? Or better yet, I would love to know where to look for a list of all of these special characters for the terminal.

Thanks in advance

--A mac noob

更新时间:2022-07-30 11:07



<ComboBox SelectedValuePath="Content"
          SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedOperator, FallbackValue=\=}">
    <ComboBoxItem Content="=" />
    <ComboBoxItem Content="&gt;" />
    <ComboBoxItem Content="&lt;" />

You might probably want to use the ComboBoxItem's Content string for the SelectedOperator binding anyway, in which case you could use a FallbackValue:

<ComboBox SelectedValuePath="Content"
          SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedOperator, FallbackValue=\=}">
    <ComboBoxItem Content="=" />
    <ComboBoxItem Content="&gt;" />
    <ComboBoxItem Content="&lt;" />


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