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C#依赖注入(C# Dependency Injection)


我有一个用作解析器的项目。 它可以解析分隔文本,键值以及正则表达式。

这样做的第一种方法是使用开关的一个功能。 下一个方法是将其置于单独的功能中并基于开关调用它

我想的另一种方法是创建一个接口,而不是为每种类型实现一个类。 那是多少工作? 这个问题是否起作用或将会显示出我尚未看到的好处。

我相信我的问题源于我最初要实现一个接口,而且每次我需要一个不同的解析器实现一个新类。 但是,这仍然需要我进入并将其添加到某种类型的逻辑流程中,因为我没有看到如何使用注入框架来实现这一点。

所以说我以另一种方式添加解析基于标签或xml。 创建实现接口的类,而不是我需要将它们添加到流逻辑中,以便在用户选择解析该类型的文本时将它们实例化为该接口。 有任何明确的方法吗?

I'm trying to see if I understand depedency injection.

I have a project that is used as a parser. It can parse delimited text, key-value and will also regex.

The first way this was done was in one function with a switch. The next way was to put it in seperate functions and call it based on a switch

The next way I was thinking was to create an interface and than implement a class for each type. Is that to much work? Does the question come down to function or will doing this show benefits that I don't see yet.

I believe my problems stems that I was initially going to implement an interface and than for each time I needed a different parsing implement a new class. But than that would still require me going in and adding that to some type of logic flow as I don't see how to do that with injection frameworks.

So say I add in another way to parse that is based on tags or xml. Create the class implementing the interfaces and than I would need to add them to the flow logic to instantiate them as that interface if a user chooses to parse that type of text. Any clearner way to do that?

更新时间:2024-03-11 21:03


如果正确使用用户默认值,则应该能够从任何对象读取和写入,因为UserDefaults.standard是单例。 这些方面的东西应该有效:

private let scoreUserDefaultsKey = "scoreUserDefaultsKey"

func save(score: Int)
    let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
    userDefaults.set(score, forKey: scoreUserDefaultsKey)

func read() -> Int
    return UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: scoreUserDefaultsKey)

class GameScene1: SKScene {

    func saveFromGameScene1(score: Int) {
        save(score: score)

class GameScene2: SKScene {

    func readFromGameScene2() -> Int {
        return read()


更新:刚刚看到你的代码片段。 您需要使用set ,而不是setValuesetValue不是UserDefaults的方法,而是KSO的NSObject方法。

func setValue(_ value:Any?,forKey key:String)

将给定键指定的接收器的属性设置为给定值。 如果key标识了一对一的关系,则将value指定的对象与接收者关联,如果存在,则与先前相关的对象无关。 给定一个集合对象和一个标识多对多关系的密钥,将集合中包含的对象与接收者联系起来,如果有的话,则与先前相关的对象无关。






If you use user defaults correctly you should be able to read and write from any object as UserDefaults.standard is a singleton. Something along these lines should work:

private let scoreUserDefaultsKey = "scoreUserDefaultsKey"

func save(score: Int)
    let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
    userDefaults.set(score, forKey: scoreUserDefaultsKey)

func read() -> Int
    return UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: scoreUserDefaultsKey)

class GameScene1: SKScene {

    func saveFromGameScene1(score: Int) {
        save(score: score)

class GameScene2: SKScene {

    func readFromGameScene2() -> Int {
        return read()

Said that you could have a much nicer architecture implementing a ScoreManager object and inject it (instead of having hard dependencies on a singleton) into your game scenes.

UPDATE: Just seen your code snippet. You need to use set, not setValue. setValue is not a method of UserDefaults but is a method of NSObject for KVO.

func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String)

Sets the property of the receiver specified by a given key to a given value. If key identifies a to-one relationship, relate the object specified by value to the receiver, unrelating the previously related object if there was one. Given a collection object and a key that identifies a to-many relationship, relate the objects contained in the collection to the receiver, unrelating previously related objects if there were any.

The search pattern that setValue:forKey: uses is described in Accessor Search Patterns in Key-Value Coding Programming Guide.

In a reference-counted environment, if the instance variable is accessed directly, value is retained.

That is not what you're looking for ;)

Also after you call set make sure to call synchronize as well to be certain that the value is stored immediately.

I hope this helps.


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