首页 \ 问答 \ 将c#windows面板转换为c HWND(Convert c# windows panel to c HWND)

将c#windows面板转换为c HWND(Convert c# windows panel to c HWND)


void VideoCapture::SetVideoWindow(HWND VidWind)
    VideoWindow = VidWind;

我在c#.net应用程序中调用了上面的dll,在c#.net中添加了dll,我有一个带有Panel的表单,是否可以将该面板传递给dll? 我在c#中给出了如下代码

VidCapWrapper.ManagedVideoCapture cc = new VidCapWrapper.ManagedVideoCapture();

cc.SetVideoWindow( panel1);

我得到的错误如下:'错误2'VidCapWrapper.ManagedVideoCapture.SetVideoWindow(HWND__ )'的最佳重载方法匹配有一些无效的参数D:\ DirectShow_Capture_GUI \ DirectShow_Capture_GUI \ Form1.cs 44 13 DirectShow_Capture_GUI错误3参数1:无法转换从'System.Windows.Forms.Panel'到'HWND__ 'D:\ DirectShow_Capture_GUI \ DirectShow_Capture_GUI \ Form1.cs 44 32 DirectShow_Capture_GUI`

任何人都可以告诉我如何将面板传递给dll,(任何一个例子都会很好)? (抱歉,我对.net很新,但尝试创建一个示例应用程序,显示集成网络摄像头等可用设备...然后在c#.net表单面板上显示预览)

编辑 :感谢@Blachshma和@Hans Passant,现在我能够将c#windows窗体的面板传递给我的c ++ dll。


void VideoCapture::SetVideoWindow(IntPtr windowHandle)
    VideoWindow = (HWND)windowHandle.ToPointer();


I have a dll which accepts HWND, (code in the dll);

void VideoCapture::SetVideoWindow(HWND VidWind)
    VideoWindow = VidWind;

i am calling the above dll in a sample c#.net application by adding the dll in references, in c#.net i have a form with Panel, is it possible to pass that panel to the dll? i gave code as below in c#

VidCapWrapper.ManagedVideoCapture cc = new VidCapWrapper.ManagedVideoCapture();

cc.SetVideoWindow( panel1);

i am getting errors as below: 'Error 2 The best overloaded method match for 'VidCapWrapper.ManagedVideoCapture.SetVideoWindow(HWND__)' has some invalid arguments D:\DirectShow_Capture_GUI\DirectShow_Capture_GUI\Form1.cs 44 13 DirectShow_Capture_GUI Error 3 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'System.Windows.Forms.Panel' to 'HWND__' D:\DirectShow_Capture_GUI\DirectShow_Capture_GUI\Form1.cs 44 32 DirectShow_Capture_GUI`

Can any one please tell me how to pass panel to dll, (any example will be good)? (sorry i am very new to .net, but trying to create a sample app which shows available devices like integrated webcam... and then shows preview on c#.net form panel)

EDIT: Thanks to Both @Blachshma and @Hans Passant, Now i am able to pass c# windows form's panel to my c++ dll.

I changed my func in dll as

void VideoCapture::SetVideoWindow(IntPtr windowHandle)
    VideoWindow = (HWND)windowHandle.ToPointer();

and in c# i am calling it as cc.SetVideoWindow(panel1.Handle);

更新时间:2023-07-28 16:07



data_label = p.data_label
text_frame = data_label.text_frame
# text_frame.clear()  # this line is not needed, assigning to .text does this
text_frame.text = str.format('{0:.1f}', v)
for paragraph in text_frame.paragraphs:
    paragraph.font.size = Pt(10)

# -- OR --

for run in text_frame.paragraphs[0].runs:
    run.font.size = Pt(10)

当您调用TextFrame.text ,将删除所有现有段落并添加一个新段落。 在此过程中,删除所有字符格式以在添加指定文本之前生成“干净的平板”。

我不记得PowerPoint是否尊重段落级别的字体集(使用a:defRPr元素)。 如果没有,您需要在运行级别执行此操作,如“ - OR”行后所示。

You need to set the font size after adding the text frame text.

data_label = p.data_label
text_frame = data_label.text_frame
# text_frame.clear()  # this line is not needed, assigning to .text does this
text_frame.text = str.format('{0:.1f}', v)
for paragraph in text_frame.paragraphs:
    paragraph.font.size = Pt(10)

# -- OR --

for run in text_frame.paragraphs[0].runs:
    run.font.size = Pt(10)

When you call TextFrame.text, all existing paragraphs are removed and a single new paragraph is added. Along the way, all character formatting is removed to produce a "clean slate" before adding the specified text.

I don't recall whether PowerPoint respects the font set at the paragraph level (using the a:defRPr element). If not, you'll need to do it at the run level, as shown after the -- OR -- line.


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