首页 \ 问答 \ cvc-complex-type.2.4.a:从元素'拦截器'Spring开始发现无效内容(cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'interceptors' Spring)

cvc-complex-type.2.4.a:从元素'拦截器'Spring开始发现无效内容(cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'interceptors' Spring)

我检查了几个类似的问题,但没有人能解决我的问题。 我在我的spring xml配置文件中添加了拦截器,它向我抛出上述错误。

我的xml格式如下所示 -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

    <mvc:annotation-driven .. />
    <bean id="transactionManager"

    <bean id="diffrent id"

    <bean id="diffrent id"


    // added interceptor below
            <mapping path="/*"/>
            <bean class="path of class" ></bean>
    <context:component-scan base-package="pacakge path" />

你能帮我解决这个问题吗? 提前致谢。

I have checked several similar issues but none could solve my problem. I have added interceptor in my spring xml config file and it is throwing me the above mentioned error.

My xml formation looks like below-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

    <mvc:annotation-driven .. />
    <bean id="transactionManager"

    <bean id="diffrent id"

    <bean id="diffrent id"


    // added interceptor below
            <mapping path="/*"/>
            <bean class="path of class" ></bean>
    <context:component-scan base-package="pacakge path" />

Can you please help me on how to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.

更新时间:2023-08-03 16:08


程序在运行时搜索并加载DLL(动态链接库)。 要自动执行此操作,请不要链接.dll本身(您不能)。 您链接匹配的导入库 ,扩展名为.lib

libcurl.dll的导入库是libcurl.lib 。 如果您已经下载并提取了cURL ,比如说,进入C:\develop\curl-7.34.0-win32 ,那么你会在C:\develop\curl-7.34.0-win32\lib\libcurl.lib找到导入库。 。 您应该将此文件添加到Code :: Blocks项目的库中。

然后项目将链接(除非它有其他问题),但为了使其成功运行,它必须在运行时搜索DLL的位置之一找到libcurl.dll 。 确保这一点的最简单方法是将libcurl.dll的副本放在运行程序的目录中。 否则,您可以通过研究动态链接库搜索顺序来确定它的位置

您可能很难找到合适的二进制包来从这里提供的过多内容中下载。 其中一些是cURL命令行工具的包(您不需要),其中一些是各种平台的开发二进制文件包(您确实需要)。 访问http://www.confusedbycode.com/curl/并下载curl-7.34.0-win32.zipcurl-7.34.0-win64.zip ,具体取决于您的目标是win32还是win64 。 提取存档并分别在子目录libdlls找到导入库和DLL。


您的程序是提供的示例simple.c ,并添加了C ++标头<iostream>

  • 删除你的libcurl项目,然后用一个干净的C项目(而不是C++ )重新开始。
  • 仅向C项目添加1个源文件,例如simple.c或其副本。 不要将其作为.cpp文件或以其他方式更改它。 不要将任何其他文件添加到项目中。
  • 构建选项 - > 链接器设置 - > 链接库中 ,像以前一样添加libcurl.lib的相对路径。
  • 构建选项 - > 搜索目录 - > 编译器 (不是链接器 )中,添加cURL include目录的相对路径,不添加任何其他内容(不include\curl目录)。
  • 不要在搜索目录 - > 链接器中放置任何内容。
  • 建立项目。 它为我编译和链接。


现在的问题是您尝试将64位curl-7.34.0-win64\lib\libcurl.lib与32位工具链mingw32生成的32位目标代码链接起来。 你不能那样做。

用同一站点的curl-7.34.0-win32替换你的curl-7.34.0-win64安装。 在项目中,将your\path\to\curl-7.34.0-win64\lib\libcurl.lib更换your\path\to\curl-7.34.0-win64\lib\libcurl.libyour\path\to\curl-7.34.0-win32\lib\libcurl.lib然后重试。 该示例将编译和链接。

它也将正常运行,前提是它在运行时找到32位libcurl.dll ,同样依次由libcurl.dll动态加载的32位DLL。 出于示例的目的,只需将your\path\to\curl-7.34.0-win32\dlls所有DLL复制到与.exe相同的目录中。 对于cURL应用程序的常规开发,您需要在系统上安装cURL库。

由于您首先选择下载64位cURL ,因此您可能希望构建64位可执行文件(尽管32位可执行文件将在64位主机上运行)。 你不能用你的32位工具链mingw32 。 您可以安装64位工具链,例如TDM-GCC MinGW编译器 ,并将其配置为C :: B中的附加工具链。 或者,你可以用来自Sourceforge的具有TDM-GCC预配置的C :: B 13.12替换你的C :: B安装

A DLL (dynamic link library) is searched for and loaded by your program at runtime. To make this happen automatically, you do not link the .dll itself (you can't). You link the matching import library, with extension .lib.

The import library for libcurl.dll is libcurl.lib. If you have downloaded and extracted cURL, say, into C:\develop\curl-7.34.0-win32, then you will find the import library at C:\develop\curl-7.34.0-win32\lib\libcurl.lib. You should add this file to the libraries for your Code::Blocks project.

The project will then link (unless it has other problems), but in order for it to run successfully it will have to find libcurl.dll in one of the locations that are searched for DLLs at runtime. The simplest way to ensure this is to place a copy of libcurl.dll in the directory from which your program runs. Otherwise you can decide on a location for it by studying Dynamic-Link Library Search Order

You may have difficulty in finding the right binary package to download from the plethora available here. Some of them are packages of the cURL commandline tools (which you don't want) and some of them are packages of the development binaries (which you do want) for various platforms. Visit http://www.confusedbycode.com/curl/ and download either curl-7.34.0-win32.zip or curl-7.34.0-win64.zip, depending on whether you are targetting win32 or win64. Extract the archive and find the import library and DLL in the subdirectories lib and dlls, respectively.

Update for OP's further issues

Your program is the supplied example simple.c with the addition of a C++ header, <iostream>.

  • Delete your libcurl project and start again with a clean C project (not C++).
  • Add only 1 source file to the C project, the example simple.c or a copy of it. Don't make it a .cpp file or otherwise change it. Don't add any other files to the project.
  • In Build options -> Linker settings -> Link libraries add the relative path to libcurl.lib as you did before.
  • In Build options -> Search Directories -> Compiler (not Linker) add the relative path to the cURL include directory and nothing else (not the include\curl directory).
  • Do not put anything in Search directories -> Linker.
  • Build the project. It compiles and links for me.

Update #2

The problem now is that you are attempting to link the 64-bit curl-7.34.0-win64\lib\libcurl.lib with the 32-bit object code generated by your 32-bit toolchain, mingw32. You can't do that.

Replace your install of curl-7.34.0-win64 with curl-7.34.0-win32 from the same site. In your project, replace your\path\to\curl-7.34.0-win64\lib\libcurl.lib with your\path\to\curl-7.34.0-win32\lib\libcurl.lib and try again. The example will compile and link.

It will also run correctly, provided that it finds 32-bit libcurl.dll at runtime, and likewise the 32-bit DLLs that are dynamically loaded by libcurl.dll in turn. For the purpose of the example just copy all the DLLs from your\path\to\curl-7.34.0-win32\dlls into the same directory as the .exe. For regular development of cURL apps you would want the cURL libraries installed on the the system.

Since you chose to download 64-bit cURL in the first place, you may wish to build 64-bit executables (although 32-bit executables will run on 64-bit hosts). You can't do that that with your 32-bit toolchain, mingw32. You can install a 64-bit toolchain, e.g. TDM-GCC MinGW Compiler, and configure it as an additional toolchain in C::B. Alternatively you could replace your C::B installation with a C::B 13.12 one that has TDM-GCC pre-configured, from Sourceforge


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