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尝试运行Apache Solr时访问被拒绝(Access denied when trying to run Apache Solr)

我正在尝试启动Apache solr但它返回Access被拒绝。


I am trying to start the Apache solr But it returns Access denied.


更新时间:2023-02-09 20:02


Console.WriteLine()仅打印终端中的第一个字母(“t”)。 这是什么问题?


*a_str = *pp;


strcpy(a_str, pp);

当然,您只是要求使用此代码发生缓冲区溢出错误。 调用函数时,还需要传递缓冲区的长度,并安排不要复制超出该缓冲区的末尾。

我在C#中分配内存(使用StringBuilder)。 在我的情况下C#GC是否释放内存,或者我必须手动释放内存以及在哪一侧(C或C#)。

传递给C ++代码的内存由p / invoke框架管理,它确保正确分配和释放它。 您不需要再做任何事情了。

从您提供的代码,似乎该函数使用__cdecl调用约定。 将CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl添加到您的DllImport属性:

[DllImport("Serializer", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, 
    CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]

Console.WriteLine() prints only first letter("t") in terminal. What is this issue?

You only copied one character here:

*a_str = *pp;

Instead you need to copy the entire string:

strcpy(a_str, pp);

Of course, you are simply asking for a buffer overrun error with this code. You need to also pass the length of buffer when you call the function, and arrange that you do not copy beyond the end of that buffer.

I am allocating memory in C#(using StringBuilder). Is C# GC deallocating memory in my case or do i have to deallocate memory manually and in which side(C or C#).

The memory passed down to the C++ code is managed by the p/invoke framework, and it ensures that it is allocated and deallocated correctly. You do not need to do anything more.

From the code you present, it seems that the function uses the __cdecl calling convention. Add CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl to your DllImport attribute:

[DllImport("Serializer", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, 
    CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]


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