首页 \ 问答 \ 使用Cookie检查是否有人访问了某个页面(Using Cookies to check if someone has visited a page)

使用Cookie检查是否有人访问了某个页面(Using Cookies to check if someone has visited a page)


setcookie("firstvisit", time()+3600);


if(isset($_COOKIE['firstvisit'])) {
$run = mysql_query("UPDATE `table` SET `firstvisit` = 1 WHERE `id` = '".$_SESSION['uid']."'");
setcookie("firstvisit", time()-3600);

如果我这样做(并且它可以工作),这意味着每次用户点击该页面时脚本都会运行。 有没有其他方法可以实现这一目标?

When a user visits one page I have:

setcookie("firstvisit", time()+3600);

In a functions file which is included in the header of every page I have:

if(isset($_COOKIE['firstvisit'])) {
$run = mysql_query("UPDATE `table` SET `firstvisit` = 1 WHERE `id` = '".$_SESSION['uid']."'");
setcookie("firstvisit", time()-3600);

If I do it like this (and it works) it means the script will run every time the user clicks on that page. Is there any other way to accomplish this?

更新时间:2023-11-01 22:11



>>> x = '''tail -n+2 ./*/*.tsv|cat|awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"};{split($10,arr,"-")}{print arr[1]}'|sort|uniq -c'''
>>> x
'tail -n+2 ./*/*.tsv|cat|awk \'BEGIN{FS="\t"};{split($10,arr,"-")}{print arr[1]}\'|sort|uniq -c'

You have both types of quotes in that string, so use triple quotes around the whole thing

>>> x = '''tail -n+2 ./*/*.tsv|cat|awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"};{split($10,arr,"-")}{print arr[1]}'|sort|uniq -c'''
>>> x
'tail -n+2 ./*/*.tsv|cat|awk \'BEGIN{FS="\t"};{split($10,arr,"-")}{print arr[1]}\'|sort|uniq -c'


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  • 尝试执行它作为原始字符串。 我在cmd_3的开头添加了"r" 例如: cmd_3= r'''cat temp_1.cat | awk -F '[=]' '{printf("%s,",$2);} END {printf("\n");}' ''' call(cmd_3, shell=True) Try executing it as raw string. I have added "r" at the start of cmd_3 Ex: cmd_3= r'''cat temp_1.cat | awk -F ...
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  • 你在这个字符串中有两种类型的引号,所以在整个事情中使用三个引号 >>> x = '''tail -n+2 ./*/*.tsv|cat|awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"};{split($10,arr,"-")}{print arr[1]}'|sort|uniq -c''' >>> x 'tail -n+2 ./*/*.tsv|cat|awk \'BEGIN{FS="\t"};{split($10,arr,"-")}{print arr[1]}\'|sort|uniq -c' You have both ...
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