首页 \ 问答 \ c ++模板函数用const参数重叠参数推导(c++ template function overlading argument deduction with const argument)

c ++模板函数用const参数重叠参数推导(c++ template function overlading argument deduction with const argument)


template <typename T>
void foo(T& t);
void foo(const int& t);

void f()
    int i;
    foo(i); //Unresolved reference to "void foo<int>(int &)"
    foo(const_cast<const int&>(i)); //Unresolved reference to "void foo(int const &)"

在第一次调用foo时,编译器尝试调用模板版本,因为非模板版本的参数与i的类型不匹配。 在第二次调用中,调用非模板版本。 我使用的是Microsoft C ++编译器版本10.这是标准行为吗? 如果类型不完全匹配,即使它只有一个const修饰符,那么调用模板函数?


I am having the following setup:

template <typename T>
void foo(T& t);
void foo(const int& t);

void f()
    int i;
    foo(i); //Unresolved reference to "void foo<int>(int &)"
    foo(const_cast<const int&>(i)); //Unresolved reference to "void foo(int const &)"

In the first call to foo, the compiler tries to call the template version, since the argument of the non-template one does not match the type of i. In the second call the non-template version is called. I am using the Microsoft C++ compiler version 10. Is this standard behavior? If the type is not exactly matched, even if it only has a const modifier, then the template function is called?

EDIT: I know those two functions don't have definition, I am just pointing out what the linker complains about, to make it more clear what the compiler wants to call.

更新时间:2022-07-11 21:07


第三个问题来了......在你编辑你的问题之后,仍然是一个开放主题:你的比较器需要一个const &GameEntity类。 它应该为了处理vector<GameEntity*>的值, vector<GameEntity*>使用const GameEntity*参数。

And a third one comes in... After you edited you question, still one open topic: your comparator takes a const & to the GameEntity class. It should, in order to work with the values of the vector<GameEntity*>, take const GameEntity* arguments instead.


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