首页 \ 问答 \ 创建对话框的实例并从主窗口调用它(Create instance of a dialog and call it from the mainwindow)

创建对话框的实例并从主窗口调用它(Create instance of a dialog and call it from the mainwindow)


void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked(){
    Dialog *x = new Dialog();

现在我想用WPF做同样的事情。 如何创建一个对话框以及如何使用它?

I'm coming from Qt where i had a dialog class and used it like this to open the dialog from the mainwindow:

void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked(){
    Dialog *x = new Dialog();

Now i want to do the same using WPF. How do i create a dialog as a class and how to use it?

更新时间:2022-02-21 22:02


移动用户的带宽更有限,连接速度更慢。 在考虑页面加载速度时,您需要牢记这一点,因为这会极大地影响用户体验。

我会避免使用移动幻灯片 - 或者至少使用适合屏幕大小的较小图像进行幻灯片放映。 例如,当您使用360px宽屏幕时,无需下载宽度为720px的图像。

滚动到可能会正常工作。 您可能想要考虑的一个问题是,如果您使用JavaScript作为“scrollTo”功能,则使用触摸事件而不是单击事件。 ( 关于触摸事件介绍 。)

至于你的游乐场页面,这完全取决于你计划在那里放置哪些演示。 我会在移动设备上测试你的例子,看看它们是否有意义并在那里正常运行; 如果他们这样做,那么显示它们。 如果没有,要么改进它们以便在移动设备上工作,要么不在移动设备上显示它们。

Mobile users have more limited bandwidth and slower connection speeds. That's something you want to keep in mind when considering how quickly the page will load as that can greatly impact user experience.

I would avoid using the slideshow for mobile -- or at least doing a slideshow that uses smaller images appropriate to the screen size. You don't need to download an image that's 720px wide when you're on a 360px wide screen, for example.

Scroll to will probably work fine. One consideration you may want to take is to use touch events rather than click events if you're using JavaScript for the "scrollTo" functionality. (A presentation on touch events.)

As for your playground page, that will depend entirely which demos you're planning to put there. I'd test out your examples on mobile to see if they make sense and function properly there; if they do, then display them. If not, either improve them to work on mobile or don't show them on mobile.


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