首页 \ 问答 \ 拆分包含问号和等号的字符串的最佳方法(Best way to split a string containing question marks and equals)

拆分包含问号和等号的字符串的最佳方法(Best way to split a string containing question marks and equals)


String aString="name==p==?header=hello?aname=?????lname=lastname";



name = "=p=="
header = "hello"
aname = "????"
lname = "lastname"


name = ""
lname = "????lname=lastname"

它将返回2个字符串。一个包含键/值对,第二个字符串包含字符串的其余部分。 如果我在字符串中找到一个问号,我会对第二个字符串进行递归以进一步分解。

private String split(String aString)
    System.out.println("Split: " + aString);
    String[] vals = aString.split("\\?",2);
    System.out.println("  - Found: " + vals.length);
    for ( int c = 0;c<vals.length;c++ )
        System.out.println("  - "+ c + "| String: [" + vals[c] + "]" );
        if(vals[c].indexOf("?") > 0 )
    return ""; // For now return nothing...


Having an issue where I have a java string:

String aString="name==p==?header=hello?aname=?????lname=lastname";

I need to split on question marks followed by equals.

The result should be key/value pairs:

name = "=p=="
header = "hello"
aname = "????"
lname = "lastname"

The problem is aname and lname become:

name = ""
lname = "????lname=lastname"

My code simply splits by doing aString.split("\\?",2)
which will return 2 strings.One contains a key/value pair and the second string contains the rest of the string. If I find a question mark in the string, I recurse on the second string to further break it down.

private String split(String aString)
    System.out.println("Split: " + aString);
    String[] vals = aString.split("\\?",2);
    System.out.println("  - Found: " + vals.length);
    for ( int c = 0;c<vals.length;c++ )
        System.out.println("  - "+ c + "| String: [" + vals[c] + "]" );
        if(vals[c].indexOf("?") > 0 )
    return ""; // For now return nothing...

Any ideas how I could allow a name of ?
Disclaimer: Yes , My Regex skills are very low, so I don't know if this could be done via a regex expression.

更新时间:2022-04-15 07:04


它永远不会完美适合,因为count * (width + spacing)倍数count * (width + spacing)可能永远不会完全填充宽度,因为它们被舍入为整数值。

我现在使用的最佳近似值就是这样。 (还有一些其他代码可以从数据属性中读取设置。)

var $el = $(el);

var values = $el.data('values').split(',').map(parseFloat);
var type = $el.data('type') || 'line' ;
var height = $el.data('height') || 'auto';

var parentWidth = $el.parent().width();
var valueCount = values.length;
var barSpacing = 1;

var barWidth = Math.round((parentWidth - ( valueCount - 1 ) * barSpacing ) / valueCount);

$el.sparkline(values, {width:'100%', type: type, height: height, barWidth: barWidth, barSpacing: barSpacing});


It will never fit perfectly because multiples of count * (width + spacing) may never fill the width exactly because they are rounded to integer values.

Best approximation I use now looks like that. (There is some additional code which reads the settings from data attributes.)

var $el = $(el);

var values = $el.data('values').split(',').map(parseFloat);
var type = $el.data('type') || 'line' ;
var height = $el.data('height') || 'auto';

var parentWidth = $el.parent().width();
var valueCount = values.length;
var barSpacing = 1;

var barWidth = Math.round((parentWidth - ( valueCount - 1 ) * barSpacing ) / valueCount);

$el.sparkline(values, {width:'100%', type: type, height: height, barWidth: barWidth, barSpacing: barSpacing});

The only optimisation left would be playing with the barSpacing parameter to reduce the difference between the product of the rounded barWidths and the parent width.


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