首页 \ 问答 \ c ++包括使用代码或命令行选项的框架(c++ include frameworks using code or command line options)

c ++包括使用代码或命令行选项的框架(c++ include frameworks using code or command line options)

我想用clang编译器编译和构建一个C ++程序。 ( 不是 XCode )。

我想使用一些代码片段(如Windows内置库的#pragma comment(lib,xxx))或命令行选项将内置的OSX框架添加到我的代码中。



I want to compile and build a C++ program with clang compiler. (not with XCode).

I want to add built-in OSX frameworks into my code either using some code snippet (like #pragma comment(lib, xxx) for windows built-in libraries) or command line options.

How can this be done?

Thanks in advance.

更新时间:2023-02-15 18:02




  1. 安装nodejs
  2. 仔细检查ANDROID_HOME是否设置正确(我重新编写了路径)
  3. 将Appium更新到最新版本


After performing following steps the problem is solved:

  1. Install nodejs
  2. Double check if ANDROID_HOME is set correctly (I repasted the path)
  3. Update Appium to the latest version


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