首页 \ 问答 \ bigint在二进制(8)列中的二进制表示(Binary representation of bigint into a binary(8) column)

bigint在二进制(8)列中的二进制表示(Binary representation of bigint into a binary(8) column)

我试图将bigint无符号数字的二进制表示存储到MySql中的二进制(8)列中。 例如,值9应该被存储为0...01001 ,并且必须填充一堆0的左边填充。 这可能吗?

I'm trying to store the binary representation of a bigint unsigned number into a binary(8) column in MySql. For example, the value 9 should be stored as 0...01001, complete with the obligatory left padding of a bunch of 0s. Is this possible?

更新时间:2022-07-11 13:07


    bgt $t1,59,hour     ; 1
    bgt $t2,59,minutes  ; 2
    li  $v0, 1          ; 3
    addi $t2,$t2,1
    j seconds

$t2最终达到60 ,你所拥有的代码段将是一个无限循环。

在代码中没有任何地方你实际上将$t2(secs)设置回零并增加$t1(mins)所以,一旦$t2达到60并且你跳到seconds ,这里是执行路径: 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, ... ,没有机会再次升级到3

至于如何修复它,不要只是在$t2溢出时跳回到minutes ,你必须将$t2设置回零并增加$t1然后你需要检查$t1溢出等等。


    $t0 = 0
    $t1 = 0
    $t2 = -1

    $t2 = $t2 + 1
    if $t2 < 60 goto skipmin
    $t2 = 0                   ; special when secs -> 60
    $t1 = $t1 + 1

    if $t1 < 60 goto skiphour
    $t1 = 0                   ; special when mins -> 60
    $t0 = $t0 + 1
    if $t0 == 24 goto end     ; stop at 24:00:00

    display $t0:$t1:$t2
    goto loop

    stop program


    if $t2 > 9 goto nozerosec
    syscall 4 with $a0 pointing at "0"
    syscall 1 with $a0 loaded from $t2


这假设(似乎是)syscall 1用于输出$a0的值,而syscall 4用于输出$a0指向的字符串。


    bgt $t1,59,hour     ; 1
    bgt $t2,59,minutes  ; 2
    li  $v0, 1          ; 3
    addi $t2,$t2,1
    j seconds

When $t2 eventually gets to 60, that code segment you have there is going to be an infinite loop.

Nowhere in the code are you actually setting $t2(secs) back to zero and incrementing $t1(mins) so, once $t2 hits 60 and you jump to seconds, here's the execution path: 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, ..., with no chance of advancing to 3 again.

As to how to fix it, don't just jump back to minutes when $t2 overflows, you have to set $t2 back to zero and increment $t1. Then you need to check $t1 for overflow and so on.

Since it's probably classwork, I'll offer pseudo-code (of an assembler variety) only, but possibly the best way to structure your code would be:

    $t0 = 0
    $t1 = 0
    $t2 = -1

    $t2 = $t2 + 1
    if $t2 < 60 goto skipmin
    $t2 = 0                   ; special when secs -> 60
    $t1 = $t1 + 1

    if $t1 < 60 goto skiphour
    $t1 = 0                   ; special when mins -> 60
    $t0 = $t0 + 1
    if $t0 == 24 goto end     ; stop at 24:00:00

    display $t0:$t1:$t2
    goto loop

    stop program

As to how to display values with leading zeroes, again with pseudo-code (for just the seconds value, you'll have to expand it to handle minutes and hours):

    if $t2 > 9 goto nozerosec
    syscall 4 with $a0 pointing at "0"
    syscall 1 with $a0 loaded from $t2

This simply works by checking the value you're going to output and, if it's less than 10, outputting a leading zero first.

This is assuming (as it seems to be) that syscall 1 is for outputting a value in $a0 and syscall 4 is for outputting a string pointed to by $a0.

And, for extra credits, you can make the padded output a separate function to be called rather than repeating yourself in the main program.


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