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如何编辑Checkout按钮立即订购(How to edit the Checkout button to Order Now)



下面是图像链接... 点击此处查看截图

I need to change the text of the checkout button which is viewed once hovered on the cart if any product is their in the cart, I need to rename it as Order Now instead of Checkout.

Please do suggest me the answer...

Below is the link to the image... Click here to view the screenshot

更新时间:2023-07-15 15:07


如果你的主要目标是不使用你的字体停机,那么你应该使用原生的跨浏览器字体而不是使用CDN或本地字体: http//www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_websafe_fonts.asp你会很好那。

如果你真的想使用其他字体,GoogleFonts是一个可靠的选项,也可能是本地的一个+缓存。 你也可以使用像这里解释的JS字体加载器https://www.lockedowndesign.com/load-google-fonts-asynchronously-for-page-speed但是我认为当你加载字体时你会有一个闪烁的效果。

您必须考虑您的受众以及对您来说最重要的事情。 如果您知道它们的连接速度都很慢,那么请仅使用本机/安全字体。

If your main goal is to have no downtime with your font then you should use native cross-browser fonts and not use CDN or Local ones : http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_websafe_fonts.asp You'll be good with that.

If you really want to use other fonts GoogleFonts is a solid option or maybe a local one + cache. Also you can use a JS font loader like explain here https://www.lockedowndesign.com/load-google-fonts-asynchronously-for-page-speed But you'll have a blinking effect when the font is loaded I think.

You have to think of your audiences and what is the most important for you. If you know they will all have slow connections, then go with using only native/safe fonts.


  • 原因是并非所有属性都允许:visited伪选择器。 见MDN 。 您可以使用其他attirubtes,例如color: green 。 The reason is that not all attributes are allowed for the :visited pseudo selector. See MDN. You could use other attirubtes, such as color: green.
  • 您可以在中的内联脚本块中启动超时 ,一旦遇到即可运行。 然后,当load事件触发时,您将取消超时 。 如果超时发生,页面缓慢加载。 例如: