首页 \ 问答 \ 使用哪个版本的Joomla- 1.5或1.7?(Which version of Joomla to use- 1.5 or 1.7?)

使用哪个版本的Joomla- 1.5或1.7?(Which version of Joomla to use- 1.5 or 1.7?)

我必须建立一个基于新闻的网站,但我不确定是否使用joomla 1.5或1.7? 我一直在使用joomla 1.5,并且有很多可用的扩展。 另一方面,joomla 1.7目前可用的扩展较少,我听说joomla 1.5的支持将在明年停止。 那么请你建议我应该选择哪个版本的joomla?为什么?

提前致谢 :)

I have to build a News based website but I am not sure whether to use joomla 1.5 or 1.7? I have been using joomla 1.5 for a while and there are many extensions available for it. On the other hand joomla 1.7 has less extensions available at present and I have heard joomla 1.5 support will be stopped by next year. So would you please kindly suggest me which version of joomla should I go for and why?

Thanks in Advance :)

更新时间:2024-02-08 21:02


获得此功能的一种简单方法是将gps位置存储在全局变量中,并在需要打印某些数据时将wifi嗅探线程读取为全局; 问题是因为两个线程可以同时访问全局变量,所以你需要用互斥量包装它;

last_location = (None, None)
location_mutex = threading.Lock()

def gpsInfo():
    global last_location
    while True:
        if gps.PACKET_SET:
            with location_mutex:
                # DON'T Print from inside thread!
                last_location = session.fix.latitude, session.fix.longitude

def WifiDetect(p):
    if p.haslayer(Dot11):
        if p.type == 0 and p.subtype in stamgmtstypes:
            if p.addr2 not in observedclients:
                with location_mutex:
                    print p.addr2, last_location
                    observedclients.append((p.addr2, last_location))  

A simple way of getting this is store the gps location in a global variable, and have the wifi sniffing thread read that global when it needs to print some data; The gotcha is that since two threads can be accessing the global variable at the same time, you'll want to wrap it with a mutex;

last_location = (None, None)
location_mutex = threading.Lock()

def gpsInfo():
    global last_location
    while True:
        if gps.PACKET_SET:
            with location_mutex:
                # DON'T Print from inside thread!
                last_location = session.fix.latitude, session.fix.longitude

def WifiDetect(p):
    if p.haslayer(Dot11):
        if p.type == 0 and p.subtype in stamgmtstypes:
            if p.addr2 not in observedclients:
                with location_mutex:
                    print p.addr2, last_location
                    observedclients.append((p.addr2, last_location))  


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