首页 \ 问答 \ application.js文件在发送到客户端时显示为application.html.erb(application.js file showing up as application.html.erb when sent to client)

application.js文件在发送到客户端时显示为application.html.erb(application.js file showing up as application.html.erb when sent to client)


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' application-[hash here].js line 1

当我在客户端上查看文件“application.js”时,它只是向我显示了我的application.html.erb的呈现版本。 该文件的第一行自然是<!DOCTYPE html>所以它在第1行会得到错误是有意义的。但为什么html会被发送代替我的javascript? 我今天早些时候多次运行同样的部署并且运行正常。



After running a cap deploy, I'm getting an error when navigating to my site on the client:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' application-[hash here].js line 1

When I look at the file "application.js" on the client, it simply shows me a rendered version of my application.html.erb. The first line of that file is naturally <!DOCTYPE html> so it makes sense that it would get that error at line 1. But why would html be getting sent over in place of my javascript? I ran this same deploy several times earlier today and it worked fine.

I understand there are all sorts of variables here that could be causing this issue, but I guess what I'm looking for are just thoughts on what could possibly be causing the issue.

Any thoughts?

更新时间:2024-04-03 07:04



一些EJB和CDI托管bean位于相同的ejb-cdi.jar JAR中。 对JAR进行了一些重组,将所有EJB放在一个JAR中,将其作为ejbModule放在/中。 此ejbModule不再包含任何CDI托管bean。

CDI托管的bean JAR最终在WAR或/ lib中,取决于具有skinnyWar设置的maven-war-plugin的决定,但两种方式都有效。


正确地重新组织EJB和CDI托管bean,将它们放在单独的JAR中,并将EJB jar标记为ejbModule。

I the end I understood what went wrong:

Some EJB's and CDI managed beans were in the same ejb-cdi.jar JAR. Some restructuring of the JARs was done, putting all EJB's in one JAR, putting that as ejbModule in /. This ejbModule did not contain any CDI managed beans any more.

The CDI managed beans JARs ended up inside the WAR or in /lib, depending on what the maven-war-plugin with skinnyWar setting decided, but both ways worked.

So, the answer is this:

Reorganize the EJB and CDI managed beans properly, put them in separate JARs and mark the EJB jar as ejbModule.


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  • 现在,我将结束这个问题。 看起来问题是JEE6规范。 在自由中运行它(JEE7)它工作正常。 在Wildfly(JEE7)中运行正常 在JBoss(JEE6)中运行失败 在WAS 8.5(JEE6)中运行失败。 显然,@ Inject来自另一个Ejb-jar的bean会给容器带来问题。 当你使用@EJB时它工作正常。 For now, I'll close this question. It looks like the problem is the JEE6 spec. Running this in l ...
  • 我最终理解出了什么问题: 一些EJB和CDI托管bean位于相同的ejb-cdi.jar JAR中。 对JAR进行了一些重组,将所有EJB放在一个JAR中,将其作为ejbModule放在/中。 此ejbModule不再包含任何CDI托管bean。 CDI托管的bean JAR最终在WAR或/ lib中,取决于具有skinnyWar设置的maven-war-plugin的决定,但两种方式都有效。 所以答案是这样的: 正确地重新组织EJB和CDI托管bean,将它们放在单独的JAR中,并将EJB jar标记为e ...
  • 看起来你有一个耳朵部署。 确保从CDILiquibase到生产者的可见性。 从日志中,您的制作人似乎处于战争状态。 如果CDILiquibase位于不同的模块中,则可能是问题所在。 It looks like you have an ear deployment. Make sure that there is a visibility from CDILiquibase to your producer. From the log, Your producer seems to be located in ...
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  • 您应该能够将依赖项放在耳朵的/lib文件夹中,并且您的战争应该会看到它们。 从JBoss AS7文档: 耳部署是多模块部署。 这意味着,除非已定义明确的依赖关系,否则并非耳内的所有类都必须能够访问耳中的所有其他类。 默认情况下,EAR / lib目录是单个模块,每个WAR或EJB jar部署也是一个单独的模块。 子部署(wars和ejb-jars)总是依赖于父模块,这使他们可以访问EAR / lib中的类,但是它们并不总是彼此自动依赖 您还可以在JBoss AS 7中阅读有关类加载的更多信息: https ...
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