首页 \ 问答 \ 处理API错误与网络错误(Handling API errors vs Network errors)

处理API错误与网络错误(Handling API errors vs Network errors)



对于API错误(或API返回的错误),我使用域ExampleAPPDomain创建NSError。 ApI错误具有不同的userInfo结构(例如,我向用户信息添加“类别”键)。





我怎样才能更好地处理这些错误? 例如,在错误处理程序代码中,开发人员必须检查域中的错误,以查看它的类型(NSURLDomain与ExampleAPPDomain)并相应地处理它。 这是两种错误之间不同的唯一方法。


I am building an SDK.

Basically developers pass in a error Handler function that will be called with the error that occurs when making an API call.

For API errors (or errors returned by the API), I create an NSError with domain ExampleAPPDomain. ApI Errors have a different userInfo structure (I add a "category" key to the user info, for example).

But sometimes the error is a nsurlconnection error ... I also pass that error to the error handler.

so I call:


sometimes the NSError error passed into errorHandler function is an API error and sometimes it is a NSUrlConnection type error (like a network error).

How can I best handle those errors differently? For example, in the error handler code, developers would have to check the domain for the Error to see what type it is (NSURLDomain vs ExampleAPPDomain) and handle it accordingly. That is the only way to differently between both errors.

What is the standard way of handling APP errors vs NSUrlConnection connected errors for something like this?

更新时间:2022-09-26 17:09


                'right': '300px',
            }, 'slow', 'linear').animate({
                'left': '300px'
            }, 'slow', 'linear').animate({
                'left': '0',
                'right': '0',
    jQuery('.text').css('right', 'auto')
    jQuery('.text').css('left', 'auto')

工作演示: http//jsfiddle.net/UCTgR/12/ (注意:这个演示有部分功能你只是显示你错过了什么,检查点击横幅)

                'right': '300px',
            }, 'slow', 'linear').animate({
                'left': '300px'
            }, 'slow', 'linear').animate({
                'left': '0',
                'right': '0',
    jQuery('.text').css('right', 'auto')
    jQuery('.text').css('left', 'auto')

working demo : http://jsfiddle.net/UCTgR/12/ (Note: this demo has partial functionality yo just show what u missed, to check click on the banner)


  • 怎么样 - http://jsfiddle.net/ZhUx8/1/ 。 jQuery(function($) { $('.topnav li').find('a[href]').parent().each(function() { var li = $(this), a = li.find('a'), div = $('
    ' + '<\/div>'); li.hover(function() { ...
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  • jQuery('.text').animate({ 'right': '300px', }, 'slow', 'linear').animate({ 'left': '300px' }, 'slow', 'linear').animate({ 'left': '0', 'right': '0', }); ...
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  • 您还需要使用jQuery UI库... 你们两个: //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.16/jquery-ui.min.js 不只是 //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js 代码应该看起来像