首页 \ 问答 \ 在Apache Spark中缓存RDD的目的是什么?(What is the purpose of cache an RDD in Apache Spark?)

在Apache Spark中缓存RDD的目的是什么?(What is the purpose of cache an RDD in Apache Spark?)

我是Apache Spark的新手,我在火花中有几个基本问​​题,在阅读火花材料时我无法理解。 每种材料都有自己的解释风格。 我在Ubuntu上使用PySpark Jupyter笔记本来练习。


rdd1 = sc.textFile("testfile.csv")



rdd2 = rdd1.map( lambda x: x.split(",") )


我知道rdd2中的数据可用,直到我关闭jupyter笔记本。然后需要cache(),无论如何rdd2可以进行所有转换。 我听说在完成所有转换后,内存中的数据被清除了,那是什么意思?

  1. 将RDD保留在内存和缓存()之间是否有任何区别


I am new for Apache Spark and I have couple of basic questions in spark which I could not understand while reading the spark material. Every materials have their own style of explanation. I am using PySpark Jupyter notebook on Ubuntu to practice.

As per my understanding, When I run the below command, the data in the testfile.csv is partitioned and stored in memory of the respective nodes.( actually I know its a lazy evaluation and it will not process until it sees action command ), but still the concept is

rdd1 = sc.textFile("testfile.csv")

My question is when I run the below transformation and action command, where does the rdd2 data will store.

1.Does it stores in memory?

rdd2 = rdd1.map( lambda x: x.split(",") )


I know the data in rdd2 will available till I close the jupyter notebook.Then what is the need of cache(), anyhow rdd2 is available to do all transformation. I heard after all the transformation the data in memory is cleared, what is that about?

  1. Is there any difference between keeping RDD in memory and cache()


更新时间:2022-05-20 13:05



<% form_for([@book, Comment.new]) do |f| %>


<%= form_for([@book, Comment.new]) do |f| %>

i think problem in your syntax

<% form_for([@book, Comment.new]) do |f| %>

should be

<%= form_for([@book, Comment.new]) do |f| %>


  • 我认为你的语法有问题 <% form_for([@book, Comment.new]) do |f| %> 应该 <%= form_for([@book, Comment.new]) do |f| %> i think problem in your syntax <% form_for([@book, Comment.new]) do |f| %> should be <%= form_for([@book, Comment.new]) do |f| %>
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